The three types of Justification

9 months ago

Fallen protestants and apostate Seventh day Adventists have many false concepts of Justification. One such error is that Justification is a declaration and not a 'making' righteous of the penitent man. They have accepted a corrupted version of justification taught by Philip Melanchthon. Unfortunately, though many claim to be protestant reformers, they do not teach the inward change/transformative Justification that was taught by Martin Luther, the German Reformer of the 1500's. They teach that we will only be totally transformed in character at the second coming of Jesus Christ. Their ideas are not biblical. They really are presenting God as a liar and a weakling- that He would declare us righteous while we are rotten sinners and He is powerless to save us away from sin, right now in this present world. Thank God for the truths of the Scriptures to escape such soul-destroying errors! The Bible teaches a justification that is transformative, a justification that is confirmatory and a justification that is forensic in that order. We pray that you allow God to justify you by Faith. We pray that you keep your justification by being motivated by faith daily to do good works of obedience to God's commandments including to His 7th-day Sabbath and that you will pass safely in His Investigative Judgement that is soon to begin upon the living. Listen to this Bible study and be blessed.

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