Hitler's Speech In English

3 months ago

All The People Who Serve Israel, Serve Satan. They Are Known By Their Fruit.
All The Politicians Lying To You, All The People Responsible For And Still Pushing Poison Bio Weapon Shots On You. All The People Stealing And Laundering Your Money Through Congress & Senate. All The People Who Are Trying To Censor Free Speech And Indulge In The Mis Information Industry. All Your Pundits On All Your News Sources Mainstream And Alternative That Are Supporting The Genocide Under A Lie. All The People Flying Above Spraying You Like Bugs. All The People That Are Poisoning Your Food & Water Supply. All The People In Your Local Governments, Councils, Commissions, Etc. Pushing The U.N. 2030 Policy Directives In Your Community. Yep, All Them And Even More, Serve The Cabal, Whom Serve The Antichrist And Worship The Cube. Including All The Ignorant Sleepers & NPC's That Serve As The Cogs Of The Whole Corrupt System. They All Serve The High Table. It Has Been Designed That Way.

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