Boy Ugly-Cries At Prank

6 years ago

Most of the fun in being a parent is watching your children grow, learn, and blossom into fully formed individuals. The rest of the fun is totally at their expense. Every parent understands: it’s difficult raising a child, you need to balance that out with some lighthearted ribbing. As long as it’s harmless, it’s in bounds. In this frankly incredible (it was an AFV prize winner) video, a mom tricks her son into thinking he accidentally stole something.

A young boy is hysterical over the prospect of having a run in with the law and it’s AMAZING.

Under the above guidelines, the mom is totally in-bounds here. The short-term duress inflicted upon her son is nothing compared to the practically endless hours of hilarity their family will reap from this video (the money they won doesn’t hurt either). The boy Jakari (please excuse any misspellings) BEGS his mother to please, please let him take the cup back. You can see just how genuine his fear of the law is, which is why it’s so funny.

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