The CCP is an unelected, highly deceptive and unimaginably cruel political entity

2 months ago

4/10/2024 [The Chinese Communist Party’s Malign Influence at the United Nations - It’s Getting Worse] The Chinese Communist Party is an unelected, highly deceptive and unimaginably cruel political entity. It doesn’t keep its promises to respect the innate dignity of all people.
#CCP #TakedowntheCCP #UN
4/10/2024【中共在联合国的恶性影响 — 愈演愈烈】中共是一个非选举的,具有高度欺骗性的而且残暴的难以想象的政治实体。它绝对不会履行承诺去尊重所有人与生俱来的尊严。
#中共 #消灭中共 #联合国

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