
7 months ago

Cancer causing (Carcinogenic)GEN is only one direct side effect of many.
Combine EMFR with toxic injections = 🪦 Source: DisclosureHub (Rumble)
The entire video (Part 5) is just over 2.5 hours long.
HERE is a original 1 hour video, ending up being an excerpt from the other, some of which appears in the GET2IT! video, above.

The one this video was extracted from.
Katt and the Occult: Pt 5 Apex Katalyst - Advanced Technologies Disclosed

Neurologically - it debilitates the functioning of the neuro-net of the brain.
For instance, axons and synapses communicate with one another via electro-magnetic connections (electro = electrical = energy = spirit IE. emotion = energy in motion). However, radiation destroys all types of cells, from skin to blood, etc., etc., etc..

You might enjoy learning about DNA by studying telomeres, as transducers, which connect our physical souls to the spiritual soul, or spirit realm (aka "Heaven") and also the other way around.

For those infected 💉 the only 2 best things you can do are to try MASTER PEACE and NICOTINE PATCHES, the latter providing a blood-brain barrier.
Also getting rid of electronic devices, pure water (distilled, best), clean non-GMO food and grounding yourself for at least 1/2 hour per day (barefoot to earth 🌎⚡️🦶 S.M.A.R.T. devices = Secret Military Array Residential Technology. 𑗌 B.A.N. = Body Area Network (Your AURA / energy field is being used and effected, by abusing your body as an internet cloud connection! ) MAD, BAD SCIENCE!!!!!!!

Satellites are also being used as weapons. D.E.W.s have been used.
The whole world, save for remote, isolated areas, is weaponized.
W.M.D.s are everywhere. USE METALS TO HELP BLOCK AND/OR TRANSFORM RF WAVES. Shungite, Orgonite, Terazite, Magnetite, Hematite
+ some types of gems. MAKE SURE THEY HAVE BEEN TESTED!

CoVFeFe = Periodic Table!

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