S4E69 | Samantha Baldwin - 'Pretended Justice': Mother Exposes Family Court Child Trafficking Racket

1 month ago

I’m honored to have back on the show: Family Court Reform whistleblower and advocate, survivor, loving mother, writer and author, content creator, beautiful soul, and an absolute warrior who has risked everything over the last few years to expose satanic ritual abuse and child-trafficking cover-ups happening within the Family Court system on behalf of her two precious sons: Samantha Baldwin

When I met Samantha, her story absolutely shattered my reality of how I looked at the world. Having been new to podcasting and to learning about things such as SRA and the secret family court, I remember driving home from work one day and listening to an interview she did on another podcast with tears just pouring down my face. I remember getting home and just sitting in silence with my car running while I tried to process what I had just heard. It was the first time I had been exposed to learning about the secret family court and understanding that everything I had thought about the court system existing to bring justice to victims was a lie. And on top of that, her harrowing story of why she was in court to begin with absolutely haunted me - and still does to this day. It was one of the first cases of SRA I had heard about in-depth - and as many of you can probably relate - it absolutely crushed me.

It’s been 2 years since Sam was on ‘The Imagination’ and if you missed her first episode on Season 1, Episode 27, I will link that in the show notes. It’s in that episode where she shares the story I heard on that day I drove home that eerily parallels another story featured recently on ‘The Imagination’ about the Hampstead children.

A little about Samantha in case you are new here are not familiar with her backstory: grew up in a relatively normal family and wasn’t exposed to learning about SRA and family court like many of us listening weren’t throughout her lifetime. As an adult, she married a man who was very charming, was an entrepreneur and had his own business, was well-known in their community and was very successful. It wouldn’t be until they were trying to have children that she would start to see a glimpse into a different side to her husband that she can now see were red flags in hindsight. And the red flags only kept growing and growing and growing until eventually Samantha and her husband divorced. It was during the divorce and while co-parenting that Samantha would begin to notice unusual and disturbing behaviors in her children that upon further investigation would lead her to discovering her ex-husband was a cult-active pedophile who was heinously abusing their two children in satanic rituals and human trafficking operations with others in the cult.

Samantha is here again today to dive deeper into what’s been happening over the last couple years since she has been on the podcast along with an exciting book release announcement about her NEW book that JUST launched called, “Pretended Justice” which is the sequel to her highly acclaimed first book, “Everything is Going to be Okay”. In a world where no one we can count on is coming to save us, it’s heroes like Samantha and her children who are the ones we’ve been waiting for all along to come save humanity by shining a bright light on the darkness - making it impossible for the darkness to exist any longer.

Before I finish introducing today’s guest - I wanted to give a couple reminders and updates: If you’d like to be on the podcast as a guest or share any information privately with me, please email me at imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.com. You can also use this email if you’d like to be a part of my new book series featuring written survivor testimonies. You can find the video with all the details on how to submit YOUR testimony on any of my podcast channels. And lastly - I’d love your support on Substack where I’m taking up investigative journalism as an outlet for me personally to share about my podcast, guests, and advocacy work and you can Subscribe to me there at www.emmakatherine.substack.com.

Website: https://www.samanthabaldwin.co.uk/shop
Amazon: https://a.co/d/alUi3ss

Amazon: https://a.co/d/j4lTghA

Website: https://www.samanthabaldwin.co.uk/
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EMAIL: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.com
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Website: https://standbysurvivors.com/

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