21 April 2024 John in Kansas update

2 months ago

- LetsGoBrandon (FJB) it’s NASCAR Talladega weekend and in two weeks they are at Kansas. Get your tickets at KansasSpeedway.com
- Joseph Robinette Biden keeps fighting for Hamas over Israel while Iran inches closer to having nukes.
- A reminder that Trump and SoState Pompeo had restricted Iran to less than $10 Billion with sanctions. Joseph Robinette Biden has lifted those sanctions and the Iranians have over $70 Billion to destroy Israel and the US.
- Build Back Better is falling apart like a bad bike that can’t be ridden… or at least fallen off of.
- 2024 GOP Convention delegates are chosen in KS2 and KS3! Congrats to Kris Kobach, Pepe, Bingessers and fellow patriots!
- Jake LaTurner KS2 is not seeking re-election in 2024. Who’s his replacement, especially on the GOP ticket?
- Support BabylonBee’s right for free speech!
- Rick Scott has a huge lead for re-election in Florida and may be our new Senate GOP leader!
- Get ready for the KS Fairs!
- Monday, 3 June at noon, filing deadline to get in the ballot for KS Federal and state House races along with the Senate race!!!
- Presidential Conventions: 15-18 July GOP in Milwaukee. 19-22 August DNC in Chicago
- Support COS to help restore your power and liberty, especially with COS candidates.
- Pennsylvania primary this Tuesday for President, Senate and so much more.
- Pay attention to Johnson County races for County Commissioner, Sheriff and DA!!
- WyCoYR, JoCoYR AND Michael Knowles is coming Wednesday 22 May!!

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