Today in History Food Edition April 27, 2024

10 months ago

Psalm 121:8
The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

23rd Taste of Claremont
Lodi Beer Festival and BBQ Championship
Annual Riverside Tamale Festival
Cherry Blossom Festival
CBCA Clayton Art and Wine Festival
Sacramento Grilled Cheese Festival
13 Annual KHTS Home and Garden Show
Florida Taco Battle A Fiesta Affair
Annual Waikiki Spam Jam
Craft Beer Festival
Lake County Home Show
Downtown Waterloo Sip n Stroll
32nd Mountain Mushroom Festival
Winefest at St. Michaels
Annual Ozarks Beerfest
Wine and Herb April Weekend
Annual North Carolina Pickle Festival
Aggies in the Vineyard
Spring Festival at Rocky River Vineyards
9th Annual Hard-Pressed Ciderfest
Oregon Cheese Festival
42nd Endless Mountains Maple Festival
Dessert Wars
12th Annual Thirsty Orange Extravaganza
27th Annual National Cornbread Festival
Wine Festival
Tatum Pecan Pie Festival
Gnarly Culpepper Block Party and Brew Festival
Maymont Herbs Galore and More
The appomattox Oyster Festival
Between the Fluffs, Beer, Wine and Cheese Festival
St. Zita
St. Zita’s Olive Bread
National Gummi Bear Day
Gummi Bear Copycat
National First Ladies Day
Melania Trump’s Sour Cream Star Cookies
National Devil Dog Day
National Pool Opening Day
Strawberry Lemonade
National Prime Rib Day
Prime Rib
1773 The British Parliament Passed Tea Act
English Tea
1865 Cornwell University was chartered
3 Bean Salad
Apple Cinnamon Wrap and Roll
Baked Bean Medley
Baked Fish with Creole Sauce
Banana Pancakes
1902 Julius Sterling Morton Died
Seven Species Muffin
1965 R.C. Duncan invented Pampers
Dirty Diapers
1968 Australia’s first KFC was opened
Australian Home-Style Fried Chicken
1995 On Seinfield Kramer began sculpting with pasta
Elaine’s Mulligatawny Soup
2002 Ruth Handler Died
Barbie Birthday Cake

James 1:26
If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless.

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