Nervous Teen Teases Aquarium Fish And Gets Bit

6 years ago

Aquariums and fish are cool ways to witness a world that humans don’t really get to see. Yes, the parameters of what the fish can actually do is very constrained. But still, it’s a fascinating look at the underwater world.

For some reason, this teenager is being goaded into hanging a finger over an open aquarium…

We had a few aquariums growing up but we never had fish as big as the ones in this kid’s tank. Sure, we had the tiny little neon tetras. Their little blue and red streaks were always cool to look at. We also had a goldfish here and there, and those fish can get kind of big. Have you ever seen a wild goldfish? Those things can get HUGE! Anyway, we did some research and tried to guess what kind of fish might be in the tank. Our guess is that the fish are Oscars. Oscars are popular big freshwater fish that people keep as pets. They are pretty interesting fish.

He is quite nervous and he should be! Who knew he owned human-eating fish!

Oscars are popular because they have “dog-like” personality. They can learn to recognize their owners and have been to known to display moods. They are also very hardy fish. The average Oscar can reach up to 11 or 12 inches in length, though some of been known to hit 15 inches in bigger aquariums and the wild. Apparently, they are very messy and require extra filtration and cleaning. It’s actually recommended that you keep Oscars in 55-gallon or larger tanks. It’s hard tot ell how big the tank in this video is, but maybe the fish are biting because they want a bigger tank!

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