Transformed by Grace: Embracing a New Heart and Spirit.

18 days ago

Transformed by Grace: Embracing a New Heart and Spirit.
Episode Notes:
Celebrating and Exploring the finished work of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The Waking up to Grace Podcast.

Experience the radical transformation that grace brings to a believer's life as we unravel the beauty of a new heart and spirit, bestowed by God's generous hand, you'll feel the chains of your old self fall away. Our conversation dives deep into Ezekiel's prophecy of a spiritual heart transplant, revealing how this divine change softens our nature and aligns us with God's will. We unpack the truth that, though we may falter, our essence as God's new creation reigns supreme, offering a peace that is simply beyond comprehension.

We then cast light on the liberating power of absolute forgiveness, where God's choice to erase our sins exemplifies His grace in its purest form. We reflect on the Apostle Paul's teachings of freedom in Christ, where our past is not merely forgotten but obliterated, leaving us with a slate forever clean by God's mercy, not our merit. This chapter beckons you to embrace the fullness of forgiveness, to step out from the shadow of constant repentance into the light of acknowledgment that our sins are forever separated from us.

Wrapping up our heartfelt exchange, we underscore the importance of prayer in fostering spiritual growth. We explore the spiritual blindness that afflicts the unenlightened mind and how prayer can be a beacon, guiding them towards the truth. As we close, we invite you to join us in this life of grace, a daily journey of renewal that molds our minds and hearts to mirror the truth of God's Word, transforming our every step into a testament of His unending love and grace.

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