Who Was Juba The Sniper?

2 months ago

The story of Juba may be a throwback to the mid 2000s GWOT era, but the effect that propaganda had on how soldiers perceived threats was undeniable. None of the videos were well produced, the effects were amateur, it was low quality, but it was EFFECTIVE.

The takeaway is that preppers and survival minded people need to keep a level head and be aware of the media they consume, how it's influencing their actions, and to trust but verify. Determining and understanding the angle and motivation of your favorite presenters is paramount. Doom and gloom sells better than positivity and light, but just like not everything is ending, the world isn't always sunshine and butterflies. Remain guarded and discerning. Take care, be safe, and have a good one.

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"The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement."

Title: One Man Terrorized Soldiers In Iraq...Or Was It All A Lie?
Tags: salt stack, saltstack, prepper, survivor, survival, world war 3, apocalypse, ww3, doomsday, zombie apocalypse, prepping, nuclear war, survival skills, prep, preppers, shtf, post apocalyptic, urban survival, survivalism, Iraq, propaganda, documentary, psychology, social media, fake news, middle east, Or Was It All A Lie, Soldiers, Iraq

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