Fully Accepted Forever.

18 days ago

Fully Accepted Forever.
Episode Notes: https://wakinguptograce.com/fully-accepted-forever/
Celebrating and Exploring the finished work of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The Waking up to Grace Podcast.

Embark on a journey to the heart of faith with us, Lenny and Melissa, as we unravel the assurance of eternal security in Christ—a treasure trove for believers seeking solace in a tumultuous world. From the fall of Adam and Eve to the boundless grace offered through Jesus, we delve into the narrative that transforms our understanding of divine love and salvation. This episode promises not just a reflection but a celebration of the spiritual inheritance that is ours, without the need for human prerequisites, and the peace it instills in our lives and sacred bonds, like marriage.

Imagine a life where the haunting specter of legalism fades, replaced by a profound assurance that allows you to call the Almighty 'Abba, Father.' We examine Paul's life-changing teachings, challenging modern deviations and rekindling the supremacy of grace over law. The confessions of our own hearts serve as a testament to the transformative power of grace—a power that commenced the good work within us and vows to see it through. Listeners will find comfort in the promise that, despite our human frailties, our redemption cannot be shaken, and our identity in Christ stands immovable.

In our closing narrative, we confront the perplexing existence of sin and guilt amid redemption, and the impact it has on our spiritual walk. Yet, through this, we discover the robust vitality of staying intimately connected to Jesus, the true vine, and the inexplicable joy of daily communing with Him. As we navigate through these themes, our hope is to uplift your spirit and affirm that the security of your salvation is not a distant, abstract concept but an ever-present reality, nurturing you to grow in grace and truth each day. Join us, and let the assurance of eternal security rekindle your passion for the Christian journey.

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