come to God as we are to absorb His riches

2 months ago

Lord Jesus, we come to You as we are. We just open to You. We lay our inner condition before You. We are so short and lacking. We come to You as we are, with the desire to contact You. Oh Lord, though we're weak, confused, and sad, we still come to You. We bring our condition before You. We want to contact You and absorb Your riches. We want to enter into God's presence to contact God by looking to You, beholding You, and praising You. We thank You, Lord, and we worship You. We want to absorb what You are. Keep us in Your presence. Be everything to us. Give Yourself to us as living water and as everything we need.

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Welcome to this podcast. This is a portion of enjoyment from the Holy Word for Morning Revival for today, on the general topic of, Laboring on the All-inclusive Christ Typified by the Good Land for the Building up of the Church as the Body of Christ, for the Reality and the Manifestation of the Kingdom, and for the Bride to make Herself Ready for the Lord's Coming (2023 Winter Training - week 4, day 6). The title of this portion of enjoyment is, Trust in God and Come to God to Absorb His Riches and Flow Him as the Water of Life. We hope you enjoy the Lord while listening to this portion and we welcome your comments with what you have enjoyed!

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