CCP Bribes African Players for Chinese Wins, Fostering False Image of Perpetual Chinese Victories

5 months ago

04/19/2024 Aila on Grant Stinchfield Show: The CCP has been promoting how great China is to build confidence. Even though the Chinese people are oppressed by the CCP and the current economic situation is not optimistic, the CCP always wants people to believe that China has been winning. Faking is very common in sports in Communist China. They bribe African players to deliberately let Chinese players win, just to create the illusion that China is always winning.
04/19/2024 小飞象做客Grant Stinchfield Show:中共一直在宣扬中国有多么伟大,以此树立信心。尽管中国人民受到中共的压迫,即使现在的经济形势并不乐观,中共却总想让人相信中国一直在赢。中共在体育界造假的情况非常普遍,他们收买非洲选手故意让中国选手胜出,只为营造中国总是在赢的假象。

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