88 Coaching Session

11 months ago

88 Coaching Session Topics For Saturday April 20, 2024
Obtaining credit is a consumer transaction, American birth certificates are a trust, questions about what is the jurisdiction and venue, and what is an American National.

Warning notice. Toward the end of this video there was other conference call numbers given one of them was We the People and others I do not promote nor do I recommend any of those processes word of caution do your own due diligence research before following any advice from the other conference calls mentioned on my calls.
I Edmond George do not put out any information unless I have actually done the process myself and was successful.
I rely solely on donations if you would like to make a donation here's the information how to do so.
PayPal account lifecoach4you2@gmail.com
or Zelle account edgeorge44@tutamail.com
For More Information Email leadingedge8@gmail.com

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