Spiritual Messenger From Minitaka Energy Vlog

10 months ago

Spiritual Messenger From Minitaka Energy Vlog Title is from the date April 20 2024 thus 32 which adds to # 5 The hierophant card a Spiritual Messenger in its highest form a dishonest pope like the Borgias popes. I strived to emulate the archetype of the hierophant you be the Judge if I achieved it. Mintaka is from the starseed card the Seas of Mintaka bringing the unconscijuoness ot the light.

The schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site showed only the line chart being updated ot day thus I had a problem discerning the amplitude no quality and no frequency except what I Rolled in the dice which was 7 .8 herz the devil in the details card I did rail against him a bit.
Space Weather news site did give me some numbers to work with. We had flaring but no CMEs today. The solar density was some where beteen One and four protons per centimeter. The wind speed was at least 400 kelometers per second KPS. The solar wind temperature was up to a 100, 000 Kelvin at its highest. The KP index gave us pulently in numbers The bar graph showed us a geomagnetic activity of 9 the hermit for the first three hours. next was activity that average to 10 the the wheel of fortune then it added to 13 The Death card not to be feared it is only a transition. Then we have a sum of 2 The high priestess, then the sum of 13 death again to end with 2 the high priestess.

Thus we can say about them all is: The Hierophant with his spirti message garden for the Hermit inner wisdom regarding the wheel of fortune bring karmic change a death of a high priestess but she isn't worried for one of her acolytes will rise to take her place as the high priestess.

the starseed oracle deck gave us two cards the first was the Seas of Mintaka Seeing the potential. The second card is the I Remember thus, soul plan , the fated life vs the destiny life. or the Karmic life letting it contrl uyou of your purpose driven life in which you navigate per gods plan.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure news site:
Space Weather News site:
Ashala rumble video:

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