Escaping Romanized Christianity - Reformation 2.0, Session Ten - Sabbath Service 03/23/2024

9 months ago

Did Jesus change his Father's laws? Hadn't God himself done that before, such as with marriage between close relatives, or the dietary regulations after the Flood? Also, didn't Jesus release us from bondage to the Law? These are good questions, and we have good answers.

What if the Protestant Reformation didn't go far enough? What if Protestant Christians are still clinging to many creeds and dogmas of Greco-Roman Churches, even though those practices conflict with sound biblical doctrine? Watchman Alexander leads Disciples of Yeshua Congregation, a Hebrew Christian synagogue in Round Rock, Texas, in challenging the traditions that modern Christians have inherited.

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During this series, we're working our way through the book "The Truth: Reformation 2.0" by Luke Abaffy. You can buy a copy from We get no commission from sales.

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