Powerful Testimony of our Orphanage Moving from the War Zone into the Glory Zone

10 months ago

Our orphans move from war zone to the glory zone in less than two months. It is truly a miracle to see what God has done when you consider they barely escaped with little more than the clothes on their back.

Just two days ago I hosted our monthly ministerial meeting and John Mark was on the call. With his permission I've recorded his testimony. I love the joy I hear. It was only months ago I'd hear "pray for us, the bombing and shooting has started again and we are very afraid." For the last three years I've heard this over and over again.

After the move, leaving with little more than the clothes on their back I hear him say, "it is like living in the kingdom of God." There are so many answered prayers.

If you'd like to partner with them go to https://kingdomleague.org/give/ and select Orphans and Widows. In doing so, you'll become a partaker in the heavenly reward associated with this unfolding miracle.

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