Diggin' Deeper Bible Study Chapter Three

10 months ago

Diggin’ Deeper begins digging deeper into Genesis Chapter 3 which explains the story of paradise lost; the result of the first willful human sin. The consequences: immediate shame and lifelong separation from their home with God. First we see the first temptation of man by Satan and just how cunning, crafty he truly is. While this chapter reveals a real tragedy, it is also a reminder of how good and merciful God truly is by confronting Adam and Eve, understand the human nature of man after the fall of man, and the curse God put on Satan. While this chapter reveals a real tragedy, it is also a reminder of how good and merciful God truly is. Join us for Bible study as we will be Diggin’ Deeper in Genesis Chapter 3. Join host Billy Ray Parrish for more fun studies as we are Diggin' Deeper! Please like, follow, and share with all. God bless!

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