Spirit Of '76 (1905 Original Black & White Film)

10 months ago

Experience a dramatic recreation of Archibald M. Willard's iconic painting "The Spirit of '76" in this black and white film from 1905. Set on a stage with a battlefield backdrop, props of dirt, stones, and a broken wagon wheel, the scene unfolds with a trio of Revolutionary soldiers marching in a fife and drum corps. Just like in the painting, the central drummer is a tall, older man with white hair, flanked by a young boy drummer and a dark-haired fife player. As they play, smoke billows behind them, evoking the atmosphere of battle. Watch as they march offstage, only to return amidst simulated cannon fire, led by a man waving the American flag. Relive this patriotic moment captured over a century ago.

Source :
Bitzer, G. W., Willard, A. M., American Mutoscope And Biograph Company & Paper Print Collection. (1905) Spirit of '76. United States: American Mutoscope and Biograph Company. [Video] Retrieved from the Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/item/96520675

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