The Role of the Pope, Preterism and Jews, Iran in Prophecy

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A time to gather. To worship. To connect together in a time where everything pulls us apart.

(35:58) Cremation vs. Burial?
(48:00) Has the creation freedom of the glory of the children of God? (Rom 8:20-21)
(55:58) Leviticus 19:27-28. Was on a tattoo!?
(1:01:42) WHY severe actions for teasing of a bald guy? (2 Kings 2:23)
(1:19:40) Where exactly does the pope fit into things?
(1:32:41) D​​oes preterism de-escalate the favoring of Jewish religion?
(1:38:40) Where do all the futurists see Iran and Israel in prophecy?

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