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Ignore the THEATER. Grow the Movement for TruthFreedomHealth.com

8 months ago

The GENOCIDE in Palestine would NOT have been possible without the silence and complicity of the Muslim world’s Arab & Persian Regime’s leaders of Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, etc.

Be warned that “War” and firing missiles between these regimes and Israel may all be THEATER to merely pacify the righteous anger of the WORKING PEOPLE in those countries who want to see a true END to the atrocities in GAZA.

The SWARM will do anything to quell bottom’s up movements across the Middle East that aim to overthrow their corrupt leaders, from within Israel to Iran, who serve the SWARM.

The regime leaders of Israel, Iran, Turkey, Jordan, etc. fear these kinds of protests more than they do War among themselves, which can be controlled and manipulated to make you think they are on opposite sides.

BE Vigilant. Regardless of what THEY do, including starting WARS, WE must build the movement for TruthFreedomHealth.com to liberate US from THEM!
