Apatros Review Ep-0059: TNT Jackson [1974] ("She'll Put You In Traction!")

10 months ago

AR-0059: In the 1970s, two of the most popular film genres were Blaxploitation and Kung Fu flicks. Well, Roger Corman tried to combine those two genres into one film with this failed effort that nevertheless earned a certain cult reputation for its spectacularly sloppy martial arts fights and an infamous scene involving the female protagonist doing some Kung Fu in a dark room while almost completely in her birthday suit.
Playboy Playmate Jeannie Bell stars as Diana "TNT" Jackson, an ex-con with an impressive martial arts skill that goes well with her volatile temper and serious attitude problem, who heads to Hong Kong [in reality Manila] to track down her brother who is being employed as a pusher for the local big boss drug lord. Upon discovering some b@st@rd turned her bro into garden manure over some stolen drugs, TNT decides to take her revenge, in the process unintentionally disrupting not only the plan of an international law enforcement operation to take down the Big Man, but also the brother's killer's attempt to usurp control of The Syndicate for himself...
Stupid, sleazy and at times badly put together but the movie's surprisingly quick [just barely over an hour long] and the Kung Fu fighting is hilarious to watch. That Topless Kung Fu in the dark room scene is a classic laugh riot.

My Grade: D+ [Disappointing]

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