Bret Weinstein about the "terrifying" WHO Pandemic Treaty:

5 months ago

Bret Weinstein about the "terrifying" WHO Pandemic Treaty: "The WHO is involved in effectively rewriting the rules in preparation for some sort of pandemic rematch...the WHO is cryptically writing the rules set that would've allowed Goliath to win the Covid battle. Goliath ended up embarrassed by those of us outside exposing the lies that were being told...Goliath has to be dragged onto territory that it doesn't know but it now knows. Covid taught it what podcast space was, it taught us what the alternative media could do, and so Goliath is now learning that lesson and Goliath is trying to build the rules that would allow it to win Covid if it had it to do over. So that's flowing through the WHO, it will be voted on in May. There are 2 things: there's Pandemic Preparedness Treaty and International Health Regulations and they are absolutely diabolical if you read the content of them. It's terrifying. It includes insane things like the right of the WHO to mandate not only vaccines but gene therapy, to redistribute medical technology. So imagine that instead of the battle over Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine that we saw that the WHO could just dictate that it those things be moved somewhere else and you would have no access to them...And it really looks like they are looking for a rematch. So we have to derail that thing...They are looking for a rematch, but the fact is they are now faltering. We are on the offense exposing it and folks in Eastern Europe are recognizing that they are actually in the unique position, in Romania there is very live resistance movement..."

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