10 months ago

The US has used its Security Council veto to override - singly - the will of Algeria, Mozambique, Sierra Leone and other Security Council members to let the Palestinians have full UN membership. In all, 12 out of 15 voted for what would have amounted to recognising a Palestinian state. (Currently, the Palestinians have observer status.) The UK and Switzerland abstained.

Disappointingly, but not surprisingly, the US used a person of Colour as their envoy to defend White supremacy. It previously used African-American Linda Greenfield-Thomas to veto a ceasefire resolution on Gaza. In the lead-up to the Iraq war, Colin Powell was used to present fabricated evidence to justify war.

Many have long questioned the veto right held by the five permanent members of the UNSC (China, France, Russia, UK, US) - pointing out that it can be abused, un-democratically, to oppose the will of the majority (something particularly ironic - or hypocritical - in the case of the self-styled world champion of democracy!).

What are your thoughts on the issue?

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