Prof Solberg Has a Problem With Torah Obedience

10 months ago

Mat 5:17-20 is the key scripture.

Has all been accomplished? Prof. R Solberg's teachings and claims get debunked here. The title of my video has been called "laughable" but this title is clearly justified based on's own words "...a leading Christian apologist against Torahism (aka Hebrew Roots, Torah-observant Christianity), which is the false teaching that followers of Jesus are required to keep the Old Testament Law"

Remember Saints "Old testament law" properly known as the tanak is "thou shalt not murder"...etc.
How can Solberg not have a problem with Torah obedience when he is willing to unashamedly state it is not to be kept? He has a problem then with the "OT law" against adultery and "OT law" of putting up a guard rail to prevent someone falling to their death off someone's flat roof. Apparently, by way of his so-called apologetics, these laws were / are for Jews only. Gentiles were or are free to kill themselves and others while Jews are not.

Re-labelling Solberg's ministry as "anti-Torahism" or against "Torah-eccentrics" does not make it go away that he is simply anti-Torah/anomos [Strong's Greek G459] /antinomian/ torahless/wicked/a transgressor/lawless... Perhaps I should use all of these synonyms in the title rather. But then it would be too long.

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