Aila: We Must Stop the US Money Flow Into CCP-Controlled Institutions and Research Programs

3 months ago

04/19/2024 Aila on Grant Stinchfield Show: It is terrible that we are seeing more and more US money flowing into CCP-controlled institutions and CCP-controlled research programs. This is exactly where we make mistakes and we must retrieve it as soon as possible. In the early 2000s, the CCP used bird flu to test whether it could use the pandemic to exert more political control over normal people.
04/19/2024 小飞象做客Grant Stinchfield Show:我们看到有越来越多的美国资金流入受中共控制的机构和研究项目,这太可怕了。这正是我们犯错之处,必须尽管纠正它。早在本世纪初,中共就利用禽流感测试能否借助疫情对普通民众施加更多的政治管控。

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