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Situation Update 4.20.24: Global EBS! Was WW3 Triggered? Israel Attacked Iranian & Syrian Nuclear Sites!

10 months ago

Situation Update 4.20.24: Global EBS! Was WW3 Triggered? Israel Attacked Iranian & Syrian Nuclear Sites!
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  • 0/2000
  • is this a comedy channel? seems like a Lot of false hope..

  • I googled adrenochrome to get the correct spelling. An option came up "for sale" I clicked on it. They are selling it online. Isn't that against the law?

  • What’s with time wasted by showing cats and bands, I don’t have time for this.

  • this is a comedy channel she is full of shit. Doesnt seem strange she is the only one putting up this shit on the patriots base channel??????

  • You always say “EBS is imminent”. Yeah, sure it is. 🤪💩💤

  • My 🚽 is at defcon 1 listening to this neverending bs. 👹🔨 DROP THE HAMMER 👹🔨

  • CW has been warning about bail-ins for 3 years? 🤔 I've been warning people about them for about 12 years. CATCH UP CHARLIE. 🤣 If only i was getting PAID like him.

  • Although this site initiates many muses, concerns about logistics and assumptions of others, the site brings together all the individual battles and fronts of World War III.

    1 like
  • But I thought it was common knowledge that those in control planned the Israel / Iran war 100 yeas ago in order to bring about an apocolypse? I'm affraid everything is going accodring to their plan, everything else is just a show playing out whilst we get trapped in our digital prison!

    1 like
  • Yeah yeah Valiant Thor Valiant Thor yeah

    1 like
  • If you pay attention, it is stated at the start that the info reported is complied from the internet. No one says the info is official/ verified intel. It’s your choice as to whether or not you absorb it as real or observe it as opinion. Simple.

  • How can JFK Jr be VP ??? He was never elected. But of course the real Biden was not elected, either - I’m pretty sure a dead man cannot run for Potus - that’s only possible in the absurd Q movie.

  • I've been saying this since the first mentioned it covid that it was a hoax it was the flu they were calling it covid the scared of s*** out everybody so they would get in it the vaccine that was coming because it hadn't came yet but I told people that it was coming and it did and they f****** went and got it and I told them not to get it some of the people I told not to get it are dead now

  • Channel is full of s*** just like Donald Trump's full of s*** just like the whole government just full of s*** if Donald Trump was the Threat they depict him to be they would shut his f****** prank account off and make him f******

  • This channel is full of s*** just like Donald Trump is full of s*** if Donald Trump wasn't fully s*** they would shut his f****** bank account off and to make him homeless