Episode 2071: Interview with Dr Rachel Fulton Brown

10 months ago

"Mary and the art of Prayer"


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Dr. Rachel Brown concentrate's on the ideas and practices by which medieval women and men formed themselves through reading, prayer, meditation, and worship. Her goal is to discover a way to help modern readers “get inside” these practices so as to see the world the way in which medieval Christians did, as a creature of God into which God as Maker entered so that the world itself might be remade.

She reads books that no one else have figured out how to read, either because the ideas in them seem boring or because everyone assumes that we already know what they say but we don’t.

Rachel teaches courses in which she encourages students to imagine the thoughts and experiences of men and women of the past “from within,” whether through close study of the primary sources or through research projects that enable them to write their own stories or make their own works of art.

Some of the things she has have written about is commentaries on the Song of Songs in which the bride is identified as the Virgin Mary and the bridegroom as Christ; liturgies for the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin; prayers to the Virgin Mary and Christ; fears surrounding the year 1000; the doctrine of the Real Presence in the Eucharist; flowers as surfaces for prayer; sweetness as an experience of the divine; counted prayers; the theology of the Trinity and the importance of the Holy Spirit in twelfth-century devotion to the humanity of Christ; exercises for training the attention in prayer; Hildegard of Bingen’s theology of revelation; Anselm of Canterbury’s prayers to the saints; Francis of Assisi’s Office of the Passion; how to read the Psalms.

She has had talk's around the Office of the Virgin Mary; books of Hours; commentaries on the names of Mary found in the Old Testament, particularly the Psalms; Mary as a model of human creativity.

Some of the things that she is currently researching are: training the soul in virtue; the psychological bases for the doctrine of the Seven Deadly Sins; the growth of cities and their relationship to prayer; how saying the Psalms in honor of the Virgin Mary gives birth to understanding and joy.

So it was with great pleasure that I was able to have a dear friend, Nick Chapello actually lead the interview and allow me to just produce this episode. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

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