Canadian Muslims Get HALAL MORTGAGE While Everyone Else Will OWN NOTHING And Be Happy…

10 months ago

Canadian Muslims Get HALAL MORTGAGE While Everyone Else Will OWN NOTHING And Be Happy…

The 2024 federal budget says the Liberal government plans to introduce “halal mortgages” as a way to increase access to home ownership. The plan mentions the creation of “alternative financing products, including halal mortgages” as a means to “enable Muslim Canadians, and other diverse communities, to further participate in the housing market.”

Meanwhile over 50% of Canadians are living paycheque to paycheque and even a secret RCMP report warned of “unrest and revolt” once Canadians realize just how “broke they are”!

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth exposes the hypocrisy within the Canadian government (in Alberta in particular) where Christianity seems to be taking a back seat to Islam under Justin Trudeau’s new vision for Canada.

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