Klaus Schwab’s Health Deteriorating After Arrest

5 months ago

World Economic Forum Founder Klaus Schwab is hospitalized in critical condition at Naval Hospital Guantanamo Bay, and doctors question whether the maniacal megalomaniac will live long enough to stand trial for crimes against humanity.

As reported previously, Delta Force raided Schwab’s Switzerland fortress last Friday, killing 21 heavily armed private security guards before finding Schwab tethered to an Adrenochrome pump beside his bed.

Sources would not tell Real Raw News how White Hats exfiltrated Schwab from Switzerland, citing operational security, but Real Raw News’ ongoing investigation suggests that members of the Swiss Federal Intelligence Service (FIS) who despise Schwab played a part in the extraction.

Regardless of the method, Schwab arrived at GITMO Wednesday afternoon and was at once brought by ambulance to the hospital, a GITMO source told RRN.

Schwab’s health, he said, started worsening halfway through the flight; handcuffed to his airplane seat, he shivered and coughed uncontrollably, violently, and begged for his “medicine.” By the time the flight was co-latitude with South Carolina, Schwab was sweating profusely, pissing himself, and hacking up bloody mucus, sounding as if his throat were filled with crushed glass.

A physician aboard the flight recommended diverting to Raleigh-Duram in North Carolina, but the pilots rejected the suggestion, as they had immutable orders to get Schwab to GITMO without delay. The doctor said he couldn’t guarantee Schwab would live long enough to reach Guantanamo Bay.

Although Schwab survived the trip, medics had to stretcher him off the plane because he had lost all mobility, as well as the ability to speak coherent sentences.

At the hospital, doctors diagnosed him with acute renal failure and put him on dialysis. Bloodwork revealed Schwab was unvaccinated and that his white blood cell count was markedly high. Moreover, they determined Schwab was suffering from acute Adrenochrome withdrawal.

Side effects of Adrenochrome withdrawal vary from patient to patient but mimic opioid and ethanal withdrawal, primarily because the Deep State’s drug of choice—siphoned from the adrenal glands of terrified children—is an amalgamation of adrenal fluid and synthetic opiates. Previously examined batches of confiscated Adrenochrome were found to contain either oxycodone or fentanyl. Even one dose can induce an incapacitating form of dependence in users—overall health, duration of drug use, and the purity of refined Adrenochrome dictate an addict’s side effects, which can occur within hours of abrupt cessation. Systemic organ failure is a rare and fatal reaction.

“It’s unclear how long Schwab was on Adrenochrome, but it could’ve been decades. It wouldn’t surprise me if he wore a portable pump, like those concealable insulin pumps, so that he could self-administer in public. His condition is critical but stable, and he’s being kept unconscious for the time being. If his other organs start failing, well, he might not live to see his tribunal. Needless to say, no one here’s donating a kidney to that evil bastard,” our source said.

By Michael Baxter -April 19, 2024


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