Tucker Carlson on UFO’s in the Sky, Underground, and Underwater

1 month ago

Tucker Carlson on UFO’s in the Sky, Underground, and Underwater — These are Spiritual Phenomenon’s that are Thousands of Years Old

“There’s enough going on in the skys and underwater that the US Military has been forced to respond to it…

• It’s real, the Government is not controlling it

• There has been a real effort for a long time to keep the public from knowing about it.

• Tucker confidently says none of these objects are ours, meaning The US Government. He also confidently says it’s not the Chinese or Russia…
—— Tucker says “it pre-dates all of that”

“These are spiritual phenomenon, there’s no evidence they’re from another planet. I think that’s the Op… I think that’s the lie, that they’re from Mars…

There’s never been any evidence that all of these objects are coming into our atmosphere, from some other planet.

They’re from here and they’ve been here for thousands of years, whatever “they” are.

It’s pretty clear to me they are spiritual entities, whatever that means, they’re supernatural.

There’s a ton of evidence they’re under the ocean and under the ground.”

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