Job 2: Satan Attacks Job VL-016 by Nathan C. Johnson

2 months ago

We continue a study of the book of Job. Satan argues with Jehovah, insisting that Job only serves Him because He protects him from all danger and gives him prosperity. If Satan is allowed to attack him, he will curse God to His face. Yahweh gives him permission to attack Job but not hurt him personally, and the Wicked One wipes out Job's wealth and kills all his children. Yet, though Job mourns, he maintains his integrity and refuses to curse God. When Satan appears again before Yehovah, he will not admit he was wrong. Instead, he insists that if he can attack Job personally, then he will turn against God. The second video in our "Job" series. Nathan C. Johnson, Bible Teacher, works to fill in the books of the Bible that the founder of The Word of Truth Ministry, Mr. Otis Q. Sellers, never got to studying as part of his "TL" (tape library) audio library.

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