Will the IDF attack the Freedom Flotilla?

2 months ago

My guest on this episode is FBI whistleblower and anti-war activist Coleen Rowley. She’s en route to Turkey as we speak to participate in the Freedom Flotilla, a convoy of ships that will sail the Mediterranean with the hopes of breaking the IDF’s naval blockade to deliver 5500 tonnes of critically needed humanitarian aid to the victims of the Gaza genocide.

The Freedom Flotilla has launched numerous missions since 2008 and it’s often been an extremely dangerous venture. In 2010, the IDF raided one of the vessels to fatally shoot 10 of the activists. I know, it’s hard to believe the most “moral army’ on Planet Earth would do such a thing, especially considering a naval blockade in international waters is a violation of international law to begin with.

But given the potential for disaster with this voyage, it requires a very special sort of individual to participate in such a thing, someone who believes in something bigger than themselves, someone who's ready to deal with the worst case scenario imaginable.

However, given all the international pressure mounting on Israel in the wake of the genocide, the flour massacre, the wild and lunatic attacks on Iran and the mass killing of journalists and international aid workers, not to mention the inhuman slaughter of 15,000 helpless children, I can’t imagine there’s any sort of rational scenario where Israel entertains any intentions of doing something malignant to a boat filled with American humanitarian peace activists, some of whom, like Coleen herself along with former U.S. army colonel and diplomat Ann Wright and Code Pink founder Medea Benjamin, are recognized internationally as bonafide heroes.

Then again, as Coleen reminds us, when coming face to face with such utterly deranged entities, we’re not always dealing with rational minds. We’re dealing with something much more volatile and unpredictable…..

...the spreading fury and lethal terror of THE CRAZIES!
This excerpt was taken from Cinephobia Radio #034

For the complete episode, visit:

Revox Tape Deck Video by Matthias Wunderlich
Adhesive Tape by Vecteezy.com

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