X: Nuclear Industry Shenanigans | Directed Energy Weapons | 5G mmWave-Starlink-Kuiper Plot

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If you’ve been following my material for awhile, you’ll know that most CEO’s and other senior leadership in major corporations are created through a system of non-accountable crisis actors/actresses using fictional personas to ‘cosplay’ senior leadership. Why? To ensure the people actually running the company become victims of IP theft would be one reason…another would be to avoid jail-time in the event the company is found to have done something illegal (like Enron for example). Mostly though, it’s to create a difficult to trace route back to who is ‘actually’ running these companies. Short story long…the ‘real’ owners of these companies don’t want you knowing they own them. For many reasons.

This is why I whistleblow about the fakery behind Elon Musk & Kim DotCom. Both are classic examples of ‘surrealistic human avatars’ created by a simulation named OLIVE (On-Line Interactive Virtual Environment).

Imagine, if you will, some goons at the Department of Energy in charge of surveillance involving nuclear threats…found a way to tap/hack all the IP routes in the U.S. because they’d need to surveil ‘everything’…then they take that ‘access’ to the routes and place all of the US-Based internet into this OLIVE simulation. Then they begin removing ‘actual assets’ of physical people & turning them into their ‘Virtual Assets’ of OLIVE. Then OLIVE, after ‘hijacking reality’ with brute force AI precision, repopulates the internet we all use with these ‘fictions’ that swap truth for…lies…or to be more pointed, turn those ill-gotten Virtual Assets into their Physical Assets…ones that used to belong to ‘real people’ who actually earned them. Whereas, these simulations, just ‘steal’ with AI-based precision, in a ‘soft-kill’ method.

Imagine…right? Okay…let’s keep going

Imagine that the men behind Elon & Kim work in the Nuclear industry since the 90s. They were born into it. It’s a legacy. They are allowed access to all of American internet/telcom infrastructure by buying the companies (Network Solutions/Telcordia/iConectiv) that control central warehousing of telephone/data routes. Then after basically soft-stealing most of the physical financial resources using their OLIVE fictional characters, turn around and present themselves (using the OLIVE characters) as the ‘heroes’ of disclosure and truth seeking. They buy a major social media platform…offer their help all over the globe while countless bought and paid avatars herald their fake achievements…

Now the plot gets sinister…they convince American military and intelligence to help them build an impenetrable ‘satellite’ grid, with thousands of LEO (Low Earth Orbit) transmitters ‘circling the globe’. I mean after all…what will we have if some foreign nation destroys our telecommunication infrastructure in a terrorist event, right? We will have champion of free speech Elon’s SatCom to save us, right?

Not really. Because the whole thing, in this ‘fictional plot’, was a trick on US Military/Intelligence/Population as well as the rest of the world. It’s main function, it turns out, is not to transmit/receive data as advertised…it has another purpose

Directed Energy…worse yet, it’s ground transmitters are just using Smartphones as hived hotspots half the time which steal capacity from the wireless carriers without disclosing it to them…causing those wireless companies to experience financial challenges will will likely require them to be purchased by some benevolent manufactured billionaire from the OLIVE simulation…probably Musk again

Say they install these mmWave & Laser transmitters on the Starlink & Kuiper constellations. They all run mmWave frequencies in the Gigahertz range (GHz), which just so happens to be at the edge of the range that Raytheon’s ADS (Active Denial System) runs on (95 GHz)…you know, their “Heat Ray” weapon they’ve been refining since 2010, something very similar to the CrossBow weapon from the 1985 film “Real Genius”

Also in Real Genius…they succeed in creating a factor of energy capable of ‘zapping’ targets from space by fooling MIT-type students into designing the different components as part of a class project by their CIA-connected professor…then this guy Lazlo informs them that they may have been tricked into helping a genocide take place…pretty deep for 80s comedy eh?

If that weren’t all sinister enough, they are able to exploit monetary trade routes through stalling/lagging IP addresses and other data processing. Literally, creating ‘virtual slush funds’ by stalling payments using IP address hacked routes, buried in our infrastructure…not unlike Office Space or Superman III plots…but on steroids.

They then use these ill-gotten gains to create the human avatars Elon Musk & Kim DotCom. Bot-farms amplify their influence. The stolen money, stolen intelligence on competing companies via Nuclear Surveillance exploits…allow them to become, literally, the richest men in America using ‘avatars’…and the world…once you combine their avatar’s assets.

After buying Twitter, renaming it to X…make their avatars the heroes of the people…for what end? To save the world from the deep state? No…their new social media platform requires users register their credentials like never before. Now, via their Mobile ID Number (MIN) and IP address routes, this mob has a map of all your activities. Welcome to the new Directed Energy Weapon Ducks In A Barrel System aka “X Spots the Mark”

You thought it was free speech…but it’s something else entirely…in this completely surreal fictional plot that we’ll be discussing…or disclosing…whatever…completely hypothetically….of course!

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