For Once I Actually Believe Something Biden Said (There's A First Time For Everything)

2 months ago

Well, it took over three years, but President Biden finally said something I totally believe is true. No, not this: Biden has added a new greatest hit to his completely phony stories: His grandfather… who they for some reason called "Uncle Bosey" was shot down in a plane and possibly eaten by cannibals… What the actual f*ck?!?! -- Or this: President Biden @POTUS: “13 million jobs created. We’re making things in America again. And we’re taking action to bring down costs on kitchen table items. That’s Bidenomics.” -- Like I always say, the Biden campaign's only strategy is to "hope everybody's really stupid."

However, I'm willing to give credit where credit it due. On infrequent occasions, Joe Biden says something that I completely believe. Biden Says Little Kid Gave Him a Middle Finger: ‘It Happens All the Time.’ Biden: “I never thought I’d see a sign when I’m going through a rural town and I see big signs that says F*** Biden. It happens all the time. And having a little kid standing with his middle finger, seven or eight years old. It happens all the time." You don't need to sell it so hard, Mr. President, I already believe you! That's an amazing amount of triggering from the politician who's on the side that thinks protest should be "in their face" and "make people feel uncomfortable." Then when it happens to Biden he needs a fainting couch.

It's getting so a Democrat president can't repeatedly compare tens of millions of Americans to segregationist racists while presiding over an economy that costs people thousands of dollars more per year than when he took office without getting some blowback. Perish the thought. If you are so sorry seeing people say FJB you shouldn’t have screwed us over then. hats the way it works. You reap what you sow. If that happened to Trump the kid would be a guest on the Colbert show tonight, but instead Biden's triggered. I honestly didn’t really believe he was even aware….Well, at least he knows. The "FJB" signs obviously have been bothering Biden because this isn't the first time he's mentioned them. Keep it up, America!

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