Blindspot 107 Election 24 - Bye Bye Freedom as Pol Parties Promise MORE STATISM in South Africa

10 months ago

Blindspot 107
Election 24 - Bye Bye Freedom as parties promise MORE Statism in South Africa

Rough Bunker 42 non-consensus number 107 Script…

Buiteboer // From Bunker 42

Every state is a despotism, be the despot one or many
Max Stirner

By interrogating political party manifestos for the 24 elections in South Africa Blindspot discovers, unanticipatedly, that most of them agree on MORE State, MORE regulation, MORE control, MORE serfdom, MORE state failure

State as constant, and contested territory. Much may have changed constitutionally, socially, culturally, economically since the turn to a democratic system in 1994, but, one historical constant remains: the state.

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