Is Jason Sears of R.K.L. Burning In Hell???

3 months ago

Because of a cryptic statement made during his final performance with R.K.L. (found on the Malt Soda Recordings CD "Come On In The Water's Fine"), people who heard it would often ask me whether I believed Jason is in Hell or not. I chose to respond to their "less than honest" inquiries by posting a video a number of years back in order to answer that question. Sadly, even after I did this, many still chose to ignore the truth and even misquote me in order to promote themselves or the bands they were associated with. I have chosen to re-post the video (for the third time) as it originally aired in order to offer what was originally stated as well as to offer some theological closures to the issue. With that said, I was forced to cut off all comments due to hostile parties wanting to make names for themselves instead of sharing personal memories of Jason. While I did receive some lovely memorials of Jason's life and legacy, sadly, most parties chose to spew hate and make this video about themselves rather than a memorial to one of the funniest people I ever met in my life! Thankfully, he is no longer tempted by such individuals or motives to which all I can say is "Rest in peace Jason! See you in eternity!"

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