The Total Solar Eclipse and Your Potential

3 months ago

The recent total solar eclipse captured the imagination of millions of people. Learn about the Creator who makes eclipses happen. Discover the glorious future of mankind as revealed by creation.


A total solar eclipse is a spectacular marvel of God’s creation. As the clouds shimmer and toss like waves of the sea, and a sunny afternoon turns to darkness in an instant, we can hardly believe our eyes.

But realize this: a total solar eclipse is not even close to the best that God can do. The actual pinnacle of God’s creative brilliance is… you.

Request our free book The Incredible Human Potential to unlock the most inspiring truth in the universe. Uncover the meaning of your existence—why God created you, and how much your life really matters. The awesome potential of mankind transcends the Earth, our solar system, the Milky Way galaxy, and even the entire universe! God says you can rule and beautify the vast expanse of outer space—but only if you choose to claim this reward.

Study The Incredible Human Potential to discover the soon-coming Kingdom of God that will establish world peace, enforce God’s perfect law of love, and teach all human beings the only way to lasting happiness and fulfillment. Prove the little-understood gospel message taught by Jesus Christ—the good news of the Kingdom. Understand your part in that Kingdom. Find the answers to life’s most important questions—answers that have eluded and evaded human governments throughout history. See how God’s Kingdom will right every wrong on our planet—and then in the universe.

Also request our free booklet Does God Exist? Prove beyond any doubt that you were created by a higher Power. Don’t just take the Bible’s word for it—trust the science! Undeniable facts of science reveal the existence of your Creator. All you have to do is take an honest look at the mountains of evidence.

You will also receive a free copy of Gerald Flurry’s booklet The God Family Vision and his reprint article “How the Heavens Prophesy.” God is a Creator, but He is also a Father. He wants a limitless family that will fix the Earth and then populate the universe! This might seem hard to believe, but your Bible says so. Examine the proof, and let this vision fill you with boundless hope.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The Incredible Human Potential, Does God Exist?, The God Family Vision, and “How the Heavens Prophesy!” Order now!

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