11 months ago

We are getting connected to form a communication network, disseminating the Truth, enhancing the ability to protect our loved ones.
What would you do if the cell phone towers went down? If the internet went down? If the government limited the information you could receive? What if during this “black-out” there was an attack on Sandusky? How would you let the people in Vassar, Caro, Imlay City, or St. Clair know to get ready? These scenarios sound very grim, but this is the reality we are living in. Our boarders are wide open and we are being invaded.
Step 1: Become a member of We The County
This is a county-by-county freedom movement. 5 counties form the Thumb Region; Huron, Sanilac, Tuscola, Lapeer and St. Clair. We The County has connections in all 5 counties. We The County is an Association.
Membership is $25 annually (.48 cents per week). Please go to to join.
Step 2: Attend a “Get Connected” Meeting
Dan Hurd from Off Grid Comms is developing our We The County Thumb network. Dan is a Mechanical Engineer, Software Engineer, Architect, Licensed Amateur Radio Operator, Licensed Business Radio Operator, and GRMS Operator. There are 5 Tiers to the We The County communication network. The basic network we can start almost immediately, then build it up as we go.
Step 3: Purchase the Communication Equipment that Works Best for You
Dan will have radios on site and teach us how to program them. Radios start at around $40. Cash is the best, but will accept credit card. No personal checks please.
Step 4: Enjoy the Secure Feeling Knowing You are Connected to Many Patriots in the Thumb!
We The County has a monthly newsletter, sends emails, uses social media, as well as other means to stay connected with our members. We have monthly meeting with guest speakers like Dan Hurd and others to educate our members on current issues, and how to stand up for our freedom taking care of ourselves. We have “Town Hall” style meetings to discuss issues that concern our communities.
Step 5: Stay Connected and Get Involved
NOTE: You can come to any We The County meetings without being an annual member. You will sign-in as a “one day member” at no cost.

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