Royal Decree: The letter “W” is UNLAWFUL in the Kingdom of Canada

10 months ago

Very Important. In preparation for the Great Reset, 10 days of darkness and the imminent EBS, the voice of Queen Romana Dildo has been digitally encrypted for reasons of national security.
I am. Her royal highness queen Majesty highness, exalted ruler Queen Romana Didulo, Head of State, commander-in-Chief, Head of Government, National indigenous chief, Ruler of ALL of Sardenia, Queen and President, and queen of the world.
Royal Decree: The letter “W” is UNLAWFUL in the Kingdom of Canada
APRIL 19, 2024
In the Kingdom of Canada, With regard to the We the People
Forthwith and effective without delay, and immediately, The letter “W” is UNLAWFUL in the Kingdom of Canada.
No person in the Kingdom of Canada is permitted to use the letter W in any written or oral expressions.
the Penalty for violating this Royal Decree is a minimum of 30 years imprisonment without bail or parole (first offense), and life time imprisonment (second offense). Third offense is public execution.
Peace and Prosperity. Or death.
Where we go one we go all WWG1WGA
and so it is times three

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