Wannabe Grillmaster Mercilessly Mocked

6 years ago

Men can be a stubborn bunch. Being one myself, I can safely say it isn’t always easy admitting fault, as much as I try to own up to failure. It just isn’t evolutionarily hard wired into our gender, cavemen didn’t have shortcomings! Speaking of cavemen, it is in their tradition of roasting their kills over a blazing fire that men feel the need to conquer the barbeque. And you just know when all the ladies gather round to see how a man is handling his grill that it’s not going to end well.

This dude insists he’s got this BBQ session under control. Everyone else there is not so sure.

“Well, what’s going on?” the man is asked. “Nothin’. Everything’s copacetic,” he replies. Maybe this is just my own personal experience, but whenever anyone insists on the situation being copacetic, they’re just trying to distract you from the fact that it isn’t with a marginally fancy word. You can tell by the giggling response those ladies don’t quite believe it either.

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