Toddler Drags Twin Babies Around Kitchen With Baby Walker

6 years ago

Not every kid enjoys when they get a new baby brother or sister, we have video proof of this. But it is always sweet and endearing when we come across kids who legitimately enjoy their new siblings.

Even babies enjoy going for a wild joy ride from time to time…

Before we focus on the babies on this video, did you know that baby walkers have existed since at least the 15th century in Europe. There are paintings which feature babies using baby walkers, including one of a baby Jesus using one in the Dutch manuscript known as the Hours of Catherine Cleves, published in 1440. Some older versions might even be safer than current models. There is a version called a baby-runner that had a padded wooden ring at the height of a baby’s waist on a pole that was affixed to the floor and ceiling. Babies in the ring could “walk” without getting into danger. Funnily, historically baby walkers were nicknamed go-carts.

This toddler comes around the corner in his brothers’ baby walker but we were NOT expecting the stowaways he was dragging behind him!

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