Mt Nebo Ut Teacher Online Bullies Students Who Protested Furries, Also Video Evidence

10 months ago

Mt Nebo spokesperson Seth Sorenson said the Furry situation is being "Misrepresented" by parents and students protesting. However I just received this video evidence showing otherwise. The photo of the other student with the Animal head was also taken this week (April 18th) That's not a "headband" Mr. Seth Sorenson, you need a new job. For context of the "Condemnation" segment, UTAH Gov He/Him Cox, along with the Utah legislature and MSM Condemned Utah School Board Member Natalie Cline for "Online Bullying" a student for a picture she posted, however, Mrs. Hunsaker clearly likes it when the students who protested aren't even at school, calling them liars without due process or investigation, defending the furries. How are those grades and school environment going to look for the protestors moving forward? The hypocrisy and double standard in Utah is astounding.

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