The Baker Report – 04/19/24 – Biden’s Attack on Israel & Betrayal of America – Armageddon Road

3 months ago

The Baker Report – 04/19/24 – Biden’s Attack on Israel And Betrayal of America – Armageddon Road
• On this week’s Baker Report – Shocking Discovering - The Role of The Biden Junta and Joe Biden in Secretly Funding and providing "Guidance" For The Attack On Israel.
• Stunning Reports of NGOs Teaching Illegals to Vote In America … Illegally.
• Were There Secret Signs and Wonders That We’ve Missed Concerning These End Times, Hidden in The Prophecy of Jonah?
• Is there a prophecy For America That There Will Be A Solar Eclipse, Two Plagues and A Massive Earthquake?
• The Most Dangerous Sign – Repeated Twice In Matthew
• The Age of the “gods” For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation On the farthest sides of the north;
• The Real Destroyer of the Planet
• The Time of Great Persecution is Upon Us – Are You Ready?
• The Rise of Corporate Divinity and the God-State
• And I Will Break The Pride of Your Power; And I will Make Your Heaven As Iron, and Your Earth As Brass.
• These Are The Days of The Great and Epic Battle – The Last Great Adventure

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