NYC Illegal Immigrant Complains Free Food, Housing Not Good Enough And Is 'Xenophobic': Part 2

10 months ago

It's amazing. We spend billions on illegal immigrants -- billions of our tax dollars -- to give them food, and housing, and cell phones and gift cards and it's just not good enough. Illegal migrant in New York speaks through a translator to complain about the free meals, housing, and more: "Even on Ramadan we could not eat during breaks because the food is not good at all." This was a New York City Council meeting regarding the treatment of black illegals. The absolute nerve. "This is shameful time for NYC. IT IS ANTI-AFRICAN AND XENOPHOBIC!" Another migrant complains about the free accommodations provided to black illegal immigrants in NYC. The only thing that's shameful is that NYC doesn't put these ingrates on a plane back home. The people who are controlling the purse strings get to make the decisions about what you eat and how you live. So has it been since time immemorial. It's free. If you don't like it, you can pay for what you do want.

• More at: Twitchy - SPOILED: NYC Illegal Immigrant Complains Free Food, Housing Not Good Enough and Is 'Xenophobic'
Rumble: NYC Illegal Immigrant Complains Free Food, Housing Not Good Enough And Is 'Xenophobic': Part 1

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