Did you Know? Trump was Right!

2 months ago

You cannot trust social media you cannot trust does that say it’s science science science science, science you can’t trust the GOP you cannot trust the DNC both sides have demonic people that run this country! Dr. Fauci had a lady that also helped him with some of those things and she was running our country with the help of treasonous traitor Michael Pence, supposedly our vice president Yep it’s hard to realize that there are people within the government that runs the whole show over running the President of the United States over running Congress and over, running our supreme court, and other justices! USAF DARPA depopulation COVID 19 17 Q Trump Biden traitor high treason GITMO Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, US, Congress united nation, WHO, evil satanic one world government, bush, family, Clinton, Carter treason in high places

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