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Prophet Julie Green - Your Enemies Are Planning More Darkness Against You - Captions
In this prophetic message, God speaks to the people of America, urging them to rise up, unite, and awaken to the truth. He promises to destroy the oppression and remove those who have taken away their strength, freedom, and joy. God reassures the people that their nation will not be destroyed by the globalist regime and that a great awakening is coming, bringing a transfer of land, wealth, and freedom. He warns of unrest and chaos planned by their enemies but promises a cleansing and a great exposure of darkness. God also reveals upcoming revelations and exposures in the entertainment industry, weather manipulation, and the royal family. He encourages his children to hold on, stay the course, and resist their enemies, as the greatest awakening in human history is on the horizon.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
Today’s Scriptures:
2 Chron. 20:20
Gal. 3:11
James 4:7
Ex. 3:7-10, 14, 17, 19-22
Phil. 4:13
Job 6:25
Gal. 5:1
Hosea 4:6
Gal. 4:4-7
John 8:36
Rom. 8:37
Matt. 11:15
2 Chron. 20:22
Deut. 28:7
Prov. 16:18
Jer. 33:2-3, 7-9, 11, 14-15, 26
2 Cor. 4:18
Phil. 4:6-7, 13
2024 is the year we've been waiting for.
Even though we know God wins and He will never fail or forsake us, we still have a part to play in this. Believe and receive. Stand, hold and not quit. Believe God and not the enemy.
Praise and worship is what sets up ambushes against the enemy.
God is warning about the enemies' plans and the darkness, but this is not to get you into fear. He is telling us to prepare people, wake people up and shake things up.
Rely and trust on God and His Word. He is your Jehovah Jireh (your provider).
God is in control. He is the Alpha and Omega, Beginning and the End.
Don't go by your five physical senses.
Multiple times in the Bible God talks about signs and seasons; Gen. 1, Joel 2, Act 2, Matt., Mark, Luke.
God needs you to focus on Him and pay attention to what He is saying.
Take back what belongs to you through prayer and believing.
Christ has made you completely free.
The enemy has spiritual chains on you and he wants to keep you from what God has for you and doesn’t want you to know the Word of God. But you have the power of the Blood of Jesus and the sword of the spirit.
The enemy wants to bring defeat and confusion, but you need to use God's power, authority and dominion that He has given to you.
You are a conqueror. Do not accept defeat!
Get up, stand up, rise up, and come alive in God.
Awaken to God, awaken to truth, awaken to His Word.
Full Video Transcript:
Good morning, everybody. Today is Wednesday, March 20th. I want to thank each and every one of you for joining today's live stream. I cannot wait to get into this word this morning. Just like I can't pretty much every morning because I love to share the word of God with you and I love to share what he is saying.
I love to share his encouragement that is given to each and every one of us when the enemies want to beat us around. They want to tear us down. God is the one who lifts us up every day. He is the one who brings us that joy. He's the one who brings that peace. He's the one who brings us truth to set us free from any and all captivity.
So that is what I love to do. And I love to spend my mornings. With each and every one of you but also today if you guys don't know Today is a special day because today is wednesday, and I love wednesdays Wednesdays with take five with pastor david scarlet and his glory. I Am so excited for today's show Because prophecies are coming to pass so fast.
So I love to be on that show So I hope you guys all can join us And that show is at 11 o'clock central time, 11 o'clock central time with myself and pastor David Scarlett would take glory or take five with his glory. And I know it's going to be a good show. Like it always is because there's so many confirmation and it's just fun to see what the Lord has said.
And now what's coming on in the news on a daily basis. So, be prepared to be with us at 11 o'clock today. Also, if some of you guys don't know, we are having a June event, June 7th, 8th, and 9th in Des Moines, Iowa. You can check that out at jgminternational. org under our events page. I know you can't register yet.
Hold on, we'll have registration up soon. But I want you guys to be able to prepare for that, to be able to join us. And I will be on live with the reawaken America tour on the stage from Des Moines. I'll be live streaming into Detroit Michigan on that stage at the reawakened America tour. So I'm excited what God is doing.
I'm excited what he's going to say because this is the year, but remember 2024 is a year we have been waiting for. God's been telling us about all these things that are going to look a certain way. But he's saying for us to hold on, keep our heads up high, and fight that good fight of faith, stand strong, because we are more than conquerors.
I'm gonna get to that scripture here pretty soon. So, alright, now, I wanna get to this prophetic word here this one is called Your enemies are planning more darkness against you. Your enemies are planning more darkness against you. Now, a lot of people like, okay, Julie, why would you be so excited about that?
One I'm excited because God wins and I know God wins and it doesn't matter how much darkness, it doesn't matter how much chaos or destruction. All that matters is that God wins. And that's why I love seeing in the chat. I love seeing the comment section that you guys are saying that because it's a reminder on a daily basis, no matter what we're seeing, no matter what we're experiencing, that God does win.
But I want to be very, very clear for all who are listening that even though we know that God wins. And his plans will never fail, and he will never forsake us. But we do have a part to play in it. If we did not have a part to play in it, then we wouldn't have to use his authority. He wouldn't give us his authority if we didn't need it.
He wouldn't have given us his word if it wasn't supposed to be used as a weapon, which it is. We all have a part to play and when our part is to believe and receive our part is to stand and Stand therefore our part is to hold on and not give up and not quit Our part is to believe God and not our enemy.
So when people are saying Well, God's going to do it all. No, God does things. Of course he does. But we have a part to play in order for us to receive what he wants us to receive is we need to believe. Okay. Battle of the Lords. Yes. But even in Second Chronicles 2020, when they were They had a big army against Jehoshaphat and all of his men.
And then there was a mighty army. There was an army that they could not defeat. What they had to do is they listened to the prophet and they listened to the prophet said the battle is the Lord's. The first thing they did was they praised and they worship God. And that is what set up ambushes against the enemy.
They could have sat there. They could have, you know, Just been in pity parties and saying, there's no way out. It's it's, there's no, there's no way we can defeat these people. We're going to die kind of like, you know, some of our ancestors in the wilderness, when they saw the giants before they went into the promised land.
Well, some of those people never saw it. So there are choices that we can make so we're gonna have that choice. We're gonna believe God We're gonna believe what his word is saying. We're gonna believe that he's in control. We're gonna believe that he's our victory We're gonna believe that he's El Shaddai the God of nothing is impossible And if you missed that show yesterday With Thomas runs and myself go watch that because he gives out tons and tons of information That's there's certain people, there's certain things he can't give out to people, but some of the information he gave to us yesterday was really good.
And people need to know about it because they need to know how to pray and how to stand and fight that good fight of faith. Again, God said, the just shall live by faith. And how is that? We shall walk by faith and not by sight. So, this prophecy today, again, it's called, Your enemies are planning more darkness against you.
This is not to bring you fear. What it does to me, it just, it just, it righteously angers me up. So I'm like, okay, God. Like, He stopped what I was doing yesterday afternoon out of nowhere. I had to stop and I had to pray. I had no idea what I was praying about. I knew something was wrong. And I called my assistant Natasha out.
We started praying. We started warring in the spirit, exactly what God wanted. Then he showed us and revealed to us after some time, what we were actually praying for. We were praying for people's lives. We were praying for Israel. We're praying for certain things that are going on around the world. That he need us for specifically pray about so what we need to be doing is be in tune to God And when he's trying to get our attention, we need to stop what we're doing We need to pray and ask God what he wants us to say what he wants us to do because again God has given us his authority.
He's given us something to do in this earth and that is to again, James 4 7 Resist the devil, he must flee. So when you hear this prophetic word, I don't want you to get in fear. I don't want you to get stressed out or upset. I just want you to hear the word of the Lord and be excited that he is giving us a heads up of everything that enemies are doing.
So when he's giving us a heads up, then we know exactly what to do about it. And what do we do about it? We trust and believe in him. What do we do about it? We stand firm on God's word. What do we do about it? We do not fear. What do we do about it? We push back. We stand up. We never surrender. We hold on to the word of God.
We speak the word of God that crushes and destroys our enemy. We praise and worship him despite anything that's going on and anything that enemy has planned. So I just want to get you and give that to you. Just some encouragement. Now, there are people Thank God for the moderators. They are writing down all these prayer requests that people have been having in the chats.
Okay. Or in the comment section. So just know that we are praying for you and know that when we are praying for you, I want you to stand firm on the report of God. And the report of truth because God is truth and not looking to what your circumstances look like. Okay. I want you to believe you receive and believe that we are standing.
We are praying with you. We're only going to speak life. We're going to speak the will of almighty God. We are not going to speak defeat. We're not going to speak what we have. Remember, we're going to speak what we want. So if you are praying for somebody that, okay. Is dealing with cancer if you're praying with somebody that is dealing with the life and death situation remember don't speak that death Don't speak that corruption.
Don't speak What if it's cancer or whatever it is a heart attack or heart issues or whatever it is? Don't speak it you speak life. You speak the word of god and watch god change it All right I'm gonna get this prophetic word and it's called your enemies are planning more darkness against you and this is from march 15th of 2024.
So March 15th is only five days ago. America, rise up, get up, America, awaken America, unite, unite in me. America come alive. America. I Am destroying the oppression, the heaviness. I'm removing the oppressors. I'm removing the ones who have taken away your strength, your freedom, your joy, and your liberty. Oh my United States.
You will not die in this hour. Your nation will not be destroyed by the globalist regime. They will not steal another election. They will not stay in your government. They will not stay in your court system. They will not stay in your schools. They will not stay in corporate America. They will not continue to rule in your entertainment industry.
They will not continue to blind the eyes of many children in this nation or any nation because this is the hour and the time for a great awakening to me.
Your enemies will bring more darkness, but my light and my glory, my presence, my power, my goodness. This will be magnified and crush the power of the enemy before the world. So people will know who I really am and that I exist, that I Am good and I Am the most high God and no one is greater than me. So my children hold on.
My children rejoice in my name. My children stand firm and stand strong. My children rise up and resist your enemies and watch them scatter before your eyes.
The greatest awakening is coming, and it's never been seen or experienced like this before in human history. I have handpicked you for this time and this hour to receive the greatest transfer of land, wealth, businesses, freedoms the world has ever known before. Prepare for what you are about to see, and prepare with me, sayeth the Lord.
Unrest, chaos, darkness, confusion, desperation, frustration, division, war, deception, destruction. These are all the things your enemies are planning right now, in a scale that you have never seen. They are not hiding their hatred for humanity, freedom, liberty, or justice. Their pride is showing the world who they really are and it will continue until they fall by their own decisions. Remember what my word says, Pride comes before a fall and they will all fall.
Your enemies will not have my nations. They will not be allowed to continue to destroy them. Awaken children of almighty God to me. Awaken to truth and awaken to my word. America, a great cleansing is coming to your nation; your government. A cleansing is coming in your streets, a cleansing in your businesses, a cleansing in your capital, a cleansing in your schools, a cleansing in your churches, a great cleansing to wash away and to destroy the evil that brought such corrosion in your country.
I will make it like they never existed. And like they were never in power. So hold on tight for the upsets that are coming. Do not get confused on what you see or you're about to see because soon you will see me sayeth the Lord. Carnage - This word will be in your news for a significant reason. Railroad companies are about to be exposed for what cargo they have had on your trains
all over this nation. Great exposures of the plans and of the darkness and evil they took part in. Everything that they have been hiding will all be revealed.
Great devastation will come to Disney. Their fall will continue, their exposures will grow, and whistleblowers are coming to expose what they were a part of. Including mind control, sex trafficking, sexual abuse to countless child actors. Disney, your days are being opened, your doors are being opened and will be on full display for all the world to see.
What your company has been really all about will also show how you were worked with the Washington establishment and the global regime to destroy the innocence of children to bring great destruction to their minds and great perversion. A High price you will pay for what you have done to the young generations all over the world Directors and producers who are a part major part in this are about to fall in a major way.
My Children, great exposures are coming to the entertainment industry in the light no one has seen ever seen before. So be prepared for the shaking that this will cause worldwide. Rothschilds. This name, I say again, will be exposed and a great shaking this will bring to this nation. All the destruction and damage that they brought to this country.
Who is contracted to continue their legacy and their plans will shock this nation... who is behind it all....
Comrade - This word will be in your news for a shocking reason. Unusual weather patterns will be talked about all over your news. Manipulation of your weather is about to be proven in an explosive way.
Shift change. This will be in your news for a surprising reason. Great secrets regarding the royal family are coming. The majority of people did not see coming. I had told you many times before things are not how they appear with the royal family.
Keep your eyes on Israel. Great truth and proof is coming that your enemies did not want the world to know. My children, my great army is coming. My will is being fulfilled. So don't give up in your enemy's lies and deception that they will try to pour out in the coming months against you. It will not change the outcome, which is the awakening in this nation and around the world, the healing, the freedom it will bring to so many.
So stay the course, and stay with me, saith the Lord, your Redeemer. Now in this prophetic word, can you hear what the Lord is saying? He's warning people about what you are going to see. He's warning about the enemy's plans. He's warning about the darkness. He's warning about, he even specifically said all the things that they are desiring right now.
They're desiring to do a lot of things against our nation, especially before this coming election. But why would God tell us this if there was nothing that we could do about it? Of course, there's something that we can do about it, but he's also told us. Remember about what he's been saying about how COVID, how COVID was a thing that woke people up to shake people up, but it didn't completely awaken the world.
It was a start, but it didn't do it all. So things are going to be allowed to be shaken. But in this shaking, Again, you got to think about the land of Goshen. You got to think about God and how big he is and how awesome he is, that he's our protector, that he's our fortress, that he's our deliverer, that he's our healer, that he's our supplier.
Cause he's, he's the one who provides, he's Jehovah Jireh, our provider. There's a lot of things that we have to do to start being more dependent on God Almighty, instead of being independent and just doing everything on our own. We need to start relying and trusting more on God, more in the power of his word and more on what he says that he has given us to do.
He's given us something to do. He's given us marching orders. He's giving us decrees and declarations. He's given us things to say. He's given us things to do. We have a part in this. Just like the children of Israel had a part in going to the promised land because there are tons of Christians that say right now Well, God's gonna do it all.
Well stop if God did it all and we had no part to play in it Then God's people in the wilderness would have walked right into because that was his will they would have walked right into The promised land and they wouldn't have had to wander around in the wilderness for 40 years Was God's will God's will for them was to go right into that promised land, but it was their murmuring their groaning They're complaining their doubt their unbelief that delayed them and for some of them It even was the opportunity their only opportunity to ever see the promised land.
They never got some of them never went in there Because they couldn't believe and they wouldn't believe, even though God, he just gave me a prophetic word about all the signs that we're seeing. He's given us all these things right in front of our eyes. He's given us prophecy like never before. He's given us revelation knowledge like never before.
There's so many people that are condemning prophets because there's prophets all over the place. And now some are real and some are not. But you guys will know the ones you can discern it because given us the prophecy is giving us the prophecies in order for us to see that God is really in control.
He's telling us God's news before the news, because he's given us his news before it gets in the normal news. And he's telling us, Hey, This is my proof of showing you that I Am the Alpha, the Omega, I'm the beginning of the end, I know the end from the beginning, and I know what your enemies have planned, and I have all the opportunities to stop this, and I want you to believe and receive what I'm doing.
We have to walk our faith out. This is a time when we just need to live by faith, and not what you see. Because too many times, trust me, I've been there, done that, where you go by what you see, you go by how you feel, you go by what your mind and your thoughts are telling you, and you go by your five physical senses.
That's what your enemies want you to count, they're counting on you. To go by your five physical senses to believe what you're saying over believing God This is a time where God has been talking about and warning about a great separation Okay, where you're going to see a great separation of the enemies of almighty God And the separation between god's people you're also going to see a great separation in the body of christ Those who choose to believe and those who refuse to believe God has given people ample opportunity to receive what he's saying, not only in his word, but to receive what he's saying prophetically.
He's been giving us opportunity after opportunity, and now, again, this eclipse is very important. God said in his word and different scriptures that he has signs of the sun, the signs of the moon, the signs of the stars, and the signs. Why? There are times and seasons. You can find that in Genesis. You can find that in Matthew, Mark, and Luke's account.
You can find it in Joel. You can find it in Acts. God, multiple times, he talked about signs of the sun and the signs of the moon. So when there are eclipses, it's something that you should be paying attention to, especially where this one's located. The reason why he's doing that is because he's been giving us all these prophecies.
He's rewarding us at this time. And I'm telling you, there's going to be a lot of things that are going to start happening. On or around or after this eclipse it may be things that God has point blank told us It's going to happen and there may be things that are going to shock the world and you'll understand where they were coming from You didn't see certain things coming and it may look like nothing's happening right away I don't know.
All I know is God is saying, Hey, look to me. This is not a coincidence on what he is doing right now. It's really not a coincidence on what you're seeing. And people can laugh about that. They can mock that. But God is the one who created the heavens and the earth. God is the one who created the sun and the moon.
He's the one who created the stars. He's the one who created the universe. And he wrote it in his word. That better be signs. Of the seasons, of the signs, of the times. So, if God said it, then why would people laugh at it? Why would people mock what God was saying? It's not me saying that. I'm only telling you what the Word of God says.
I gave you multiple different scriptures on where to find them. Or chapters. You can find it in Genesis chapter 1. You can find it in Joel chapter 2. Acts chapter two in Matthew, Mark and Luke's account. You can find all the stuff where God is talking about. The sun is turned into darkness and the moon into blood before all the things are about to come upon this earth.
There's a reason why God uses these things. So take them seriously. Again, it is not to bring to fear. It is not to bring worry. It's not to bring frustration. It is to say, Hey, Pay attention to my words over your enemies. That's what God is telling us. Now. I want to read something when he was talking about in the first paragraph here It says america arise up get up america awaken america unite in me america come alive america I'm destroying the oppression the heaviness i'm removing the oppressors I'm removing the ones who have taken away your strength Your freedom, your joy, and your liberty.
You can see this as an example in the Bible, in the book of Exodus, you go to Exodus chapter three,
again, in order to build up your faith, the trust in God, that God is first a deliverer, that he hears the cries of his people, that he promises to deliver you. If you want to know what God does against the enemies of almighty God, you want to have trust in him in that way. If you don't have, if you don't, you literally want to, but you don't really know.
Exactly what he's going to do or how he's going to do it or if he's going to do it You need to get in the word of god because the word of god is our example And exodus chapter 3 and verse 7 Exodus chapter 3 and verse 7 says and the lord said I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in egypt And i have heard their cry because of their taskmasters and oppressors for I know their sorrows and sufferings And trials so first of all, you have to know that god sees You That God hears the cries of his people and he knows what the enemies are doing and it says in verse eight And I have come down To deliver them out of the hand and the power of the egyptians and to bring them out of the land to a land a good land large and land flowing with milk and honey in a land of plenty the place of the cannonite the head the hittite the amorite the Pessarite the habite and the jubisite so god is already telling them.
Hey You I see, I hear your cries, I see what the enemies are doing, I'm going to come down, I'm going to deliver you, and I'm going to give you the land which I promised you. Only if the Israelites would have caught me. that revelation and add it down into their heart so that that win. Now, remember God said this before all the plagues, God was showing them, Hey, it's going to get darker.
It's going to look more confusing. You're going to see things you've never seen before. It's going to look chaotic. It's going to be unsettling. It's going to look like things are out of control. It's going to look like things are getting worse. It's going to look like the enemies are doing and controlling you more and digging their heels in where you have no way out.
It's always the darkest before the dawning. It's always the darkest before the dawning. So it's always darker before something magnificent. And the power of Almighty God is seen. Your enemy will put you under the greatest amount of pressure. He will put the greatest amount of darkness on you. So you will give up and quit so you don't receive that victory.
So God is warning us with this prophetic word. Hey, just like I did with the children of Israel. You need to read the book of exodus all of them read exodus Get to know that great. I Am how he revealed himself to moses in the exodus chapter 3 He revealed himself to moses as I Am that I Am he was telling moses.
Look i'm gonna come down He says right there in verse 8. I have come down to deliver them out of the hand and the power Well, if god said he's no respecter of persons He delivered god's people out of the hand and the power of the egyptians Why would God not do that now? God is the same God. Keep reading.
Verse 9. Now behold the cry the Israelites have come to me. I have seen how the Egyptians oppressed them. God hears the cries of his people. So a lot of people when they're praying and their situations and circumstances isn't changing and they're wondering is God hearing me? Yes, he hears the cries of his people verse 10 come now Therefore I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring forth my people to the Israelites out of Egypt God sent Moses as his mouthpiece now Moses was mocked Moses was persecuted by his own people Look what's going on in the church today.
What's going on in the body of Christ today. Same thing. Now in verse 14 it says, this is Exodus 3 in verse 14. And God said to Moses, I Am who I Am and what I Am and I will be what I will be. And he said, you shall say, this is the Israelites. I Am has sent me to you. The I Am is showing up. The I Am sees.
That's what he said in this prophetic word. That's what he said in his, even his written word. He sees the taskmasters. He sees the oppression. He hears the cries of his people and he's going to do something about it. If you turn to Exodus three and verse 17, I have declared that I will, he didn't say I might.
He said, I will bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt to the land of the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Amorite, the Pezzorite, the Hittite, the Jebusite, to a land flowing with milk and honey. He says it again. Why? People say God doesn't repeat himself. Yes, he does. Because sometimes his people don't hear him the first time.
As a mom, I know there's times where I have to repeat myself. And I have to make sure that they're looking at me and they're listening to me. I even have them repeat it sometimes. What did I just say? Just like God has to with us. I want my kids to focus on me So they're not focusing on their game or not looking at the phone or texting people or whatever I want them to have their focus on me so they hear what I'm trying to tell them.
God is the same way He wants us to focus on him because he wants us to pay attention to what he's saying It's important. Then he says in verse 19, And I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go unless forced to do so. He knows exactly what's going on in the earth today. How he knows these taskmasters, oppressors, and all this world, the global government, the elites, the Washington establishment, and all this global, the rogue governments all over this world.
He knows that they will not let us go unless they're forced to do so.
He knows that. There's nothing that has gotten past God. He knows they will have to be, or forced to, do so. Let us go. Verse 20. So I will stretch out my hand and smite Egyptians with all my wonders, which I will do in it. And after that, they will let you go. God, what place judgment on them? That's when you will start seeing the plagues later on in the book of Exodus.
Then it says in verse 21, and I will give his this people favor and a respect on the side of the Egyptians, and it shall be that when you go, you shall not go empty handed. There is a wealth transfer in the land of Egypt,
verse 22. But every woman shall I consistently solicit of her neighbor and of her that may be residing at her house. Jewels and articles of silver and gold and garments, which you well shall put on your sons and daughters and you shall strip the Egyptians of the belongings that are due to you. What does God keep telling us?
Take back what belongs to you. Take back what belongs to you. Everything that God paid for. Everything that Jesus was sent here for. We need to start taking back. Taking back our freedom. Say, Julie, how do you do that? By prayer, by standing, by in agreement with almighty God, by not giving in, by not quitting, by believing God's word, the more than what we believe, what we see.
We need to stand firm and stand strong and not be moved. And we need to push back, resist the devil that he may flee no matter who he's using. Or how many people he's using. He's given us something to do. I want you guys to go to a Galatians chapter five. This is important. This prophetic word. I will go back over again, like I always do, but it's important that you hear when the title is your enemies are planning more darkness against you.
The enemy automatically wants to come in just like that and bring fear and go, Oh my God, I, I can't, I can't take anymore. That's a life in the pit of hell. It says in God's word in Philippians four and 13. That I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Christ gives you that strength. He gives you that anointing.
He gives you that resurrection power on the inside of you. If you've made Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you have that resurrection power on the inside of you. Tap into it. How do you tap into it? You read the word of God, you declare the word of God. You stay on the word of God. You say, Lord, I thank you that I'm tapping into that glory today.
I Am tapping into that resurrection power today. I thank you, father of God. It is your strength, not my own. I thank you that when I'm going to work or I'm seeing the things that are going on in my nation, I don't have to do these things on my own ability. I don't have to lean onto my own understanding, but I thank you, father of God.
It is your strength. That's going to get me through the day. I thank you that I Am not surviving. But I Am thriving in Jesus mighty name. I thank you for the resurrection power of Jesus that lives and resides on the inside of me. That I Am more God inside minded. That my, my, inside of me comes alive. And I thank you Father God that you lead me, you guide me in the right direction.
On where I should go, and what I should do, what I should say. Remember Job, have forcible or right words. Teach me. Hold my tongue. It's a joke. Chapter six. We need to be more God inside minded to be more when we are having a situation to speak the right words immediately 'cause in a life and death situation, you're gonna want the words of life and God's words and not your own.
You're not gonna want your words. You're not gonna want just any old words. You want the words that bring spirit. They bring life, and they bring power into the situation, and they destroy death, destroy death. Now, Galatians chapter five,
everything I give to you isn't the word of God. So right here it says in Galatians chapter five and verse one, this is what we have to know right now. What we have to know in this world when God said your enemies are planning more darkness against you This is what you need to know. That is their plan.
But remember who stands in the way That's why God is getting our focus and our attention on him. So we start rejoicing So we start looking to him and start magnifying it and not magnify the problem Because the enemy will want you to get in fear and if you're in fear, you don't have any faith You don't have any faith.
You can't stand if you can't stand you're going to give up and quit and then you will be defeated That's why God is getting our attention. Galatians chapter 5 and verse 1 says, This is the classic amplified version of the scripture. Galatians 5 and verse 1. In this freedom, Christ has made us free, and completely liberated us, Stand fast, then, and do not be hampered, held asnared, and submit again to a yoke of slavery which you have once put off.
We have to understand that Christ has, right here, has made us completely free. Why do you think he had to tell us that in the Word? Because the enemy has done, there's nothing new under the sun, The enemy has tried to bring God's people into slavery and bondage.
And remember what God said, that we are in a greater slavery now than the children of Israel were. Yes, even Americans. Why? Because the enemy has gotten sneakier about how he enslaves people. Now it's more with deception than with just chains. It's spiritual chains. So if you think about what the enemy is doing, the enemy has spiritual chains on you.
And he, what he's trying to do is, he's trying to keep you from what God has in store for you, from rising up higher. He wants to keep you into a submission. He wants to keep you weak. He wants to keep you in being wimpy. He wants to keep you in not knowing the word of God. Not knowing the truth. He doesn't want you to know your authority that God has given to you He doesn't want you to know that God has given you the authority of the believer.
He's given you the authority He's given you commands. He's given you the power of that name of jesus He's given you the sword of the spirit, which is the word of god He's given you the blood covenant that he's given to us through jesus and what jesus did He's given us all that so we can break off those spiritual chains That's why.
Now, again, we have to remember Christ has set us free already. He says right here, Galatians 5 verse 1, in this freedom Christ has made us free. But then he said down here, do not be hampered and held astair and submit to a yoke of slavery or bondage. So that means we were going to have the opportunity to be ensnared and hampered again into bondage and slavery.
Let's see this. I, I've never read this in the let's go to the CEV translation of that scripture.
So we're going to wait, Galatians 5, 1,
and I have to find, this is, I always look up, like I said, I tell you, I go to Bible Gateway and I just look up these different translations while I'm studying. All right, Galatians 5 verse 1 in the CEV, which is a contemporary English version. Christ has set us free. This means we are really free. Now hold on to your freedom and don't ever become a slave of the law again.
What? The law that man is trying to put in. Don't be enslaved to anything at all. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. So if we, we know the truth, that truth will set us free. But if you don't know, it says, obviously, it says in God's word in Hosea 4, 6, God's people were destroyed for a lack of knowledge.
If you don't have a knowledge of what type of slavery and what the enemy is doing, then you won't know how to fight it. Alright, now, Galatians 4, and then I'll go back over this prophetic word again here. Galatians chapter 4, it says in verse 4. Galatians 4, verse 4. When the proper time had fully come, God had sent his Son, born of a woman, born subject to the regulations of the law.
Jesus was subject to the regulations of the law at that time. But why? This is the reason. God gives you the reason why. To purchase the freedom, to ransom, to redeem, to atone for those who are subject to the law, that we may be adopted and have some ship conferred upon us and be recognized as God's son.
So Jesus came, set it to the law to destroy it, to destroy that law, to destroy that power of the enemy, to destroy that curse. He became sin who knew no sin. The curse came upon him and he destroyed it with the blood, with his blood sacrifice. He destroyed the power of the curse. Over our lives. Then it says in verse six, because you really are his sons God, his son, his the Holy Spirit of the Son into our hearts, crying of a father.
Then in verse seven says, Galatians four verse seven says, therefore, you are no longer a slave bond servant, but a son. And if you are a son, then it follows that you are an heir by the aid of God through Christ. So our enemies are trying to enslave us all over this world, even in our own country. We see laws that are coming against us to destroy our freedoms, destroy our republic.
Remember, this country is not a democracy, it's a republic. And they keep saying the word democracy, totally different. What they're doing is a great deception. And what they're doing is they've enslaved us with their laws, they've twisted our laws, used our laws and our court systems, as we see, they're using our court systems against us.
You can see it happening all over the, all over the place, just like what happened with President Trump. None of this stuff is constitutional. None of it. None of it should stand in a court of law. But now you have, again, you take God out of the government, you take God out of the court system, and what are you left with?
You're left with evil in control. You're at, you're left with lawlessness. You're left with injustice. So when people took God out of our government, you got out of our court system and people think that if you left it with, you know, Everything will be fine. You know, we have to separate that church and state.
Bull. That was the biggest crock of crap that the enemy put on God's people in this nation. It was the government was not supposed to be infringing upon the church's right and what the church do, what the churches do. Not the other way around. The government was never supposed to have control over the church.
So, again, the enemy comes in there, he's wicked, and he twists these things into manipulating the words and manipulating what they mean in order for people just to give in and just give in to what it's saying. And that's not what God wants. Now, I want to read. Oh, really quick. All right. The Lord just showed me something.
I gotta read this first. All right So again in this prophetic word i'm about to read back over again He's talking about how the enemies are going to try to bring more destruction chaos and darkness and whatever But we have to read something else. Here's another scripture that we need to be standing on romans 8
romans 8 and 37 says Romans 8, 37 Yet amid all these things, we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through him who loved us. We are more than conquerors. The enemy is trying to bring a defeat in our nations, a defeat to our freedoms. They're trying to bring a defeat to our children and their mindset and how they think how they act.
It's disgusting. I cannot even believe what i'm seeing right now. I was just talking about that with my youngest son yesterday I could not believe Even he was like, he even said to me this morning, mom, I wish I kind of grew up in the eighties and nineties with you guys. Life was, you know, more simple life was normal.
Well, it was, I mean, it wasn't great, but it was better than what we're seeing. And, and kids his age right now, he's 15. And so there's a part of, there's so much confusion and the author of confusion is our enemy. So what we have to do, cut the head of that steak off. We have to use God's power, God's authority, and God's amenity that he's given to us.
And we gotta do something about it to free this younger generation. These Gen Z ers need freedom. We have to start talking about how bad they are. And we start to start praying for them. And they're just ceding on their behalf. So they know the truth. So the truth is set them free. I, I'm so excited here in a couple of weeks or next week or whatever it is.
I have a very exciting show and I can't wait to, I gotta confirm it to make sure what you say, that I have some Gen Z ers on with a Very dear friend of mine that I, he's a general and I love him dearly. He's an awesome man of God. And we have to help these Gen Zers, get the word out there and get this truth out there.
And so we can do something about them to help them get truth out to that generation. All right. So we are more than conquerors. So we have to understand, we are more than conquerors. Our enemy is trying to bring us a defeat, but they are the ones who are defeated and we have to remind our enemies of that.
We're not supposed to accept defeat, but our enemies are guaranteed that defeat. All right, now here's a prophetic word again. So your enemies are planning more darkness against you. And this is from March 15th, 2024. Now God, again, he's preparing our hearts. Because as soon as people see certain things that are going to get worse, people are going to turn away from God.
That's why this is so important to pay attention. If we have ears, the spiritual ears, let them hear. That's why Jesus even says in the Bible, if you have ears to hear, let them hear. Because you can have, you know, words going one ear and out the other one, and then you're not gaining the revelation knowledge that you need.
So here's first paragraph. America rise up. Get up. America awaken. America unite. America, come alive!
America, I Am destroying the oppression, the heaviness. I'm removing the oppressors. I'm removing the ones who have taken away your strength, your freedom, your joy, and your liberty. So, first of all, he's talking to this country. And he's telling this country, hey, get up! Get up! Out of the, out of the distractions, get up out of the, the oppression, get up out of the destruction, get up out of the weariness, the clay, the muck and the mire, get up, stand up, rise up, come alive.
And he says, come alive in me. He's been telling us that. Why is he telling America to get up? Because America has a well, a job to do. This country is a country that gives out more, more word of God than any other country in the world. We have a part to play to be that light and a beacon to get God's word out to the nations, to get God's truth out, to set the captives free all over the world.
This nation has a job to do. It has a fulfillment. It has a calling on this nation that we need to fulfill. And so God is saying, get up. You have people destroying you. You have people killing you. You have people destroying your nation, destroying your freedoms, destroying your liberty. And this country has to get up and rise up and start standing up against this tyranny and resistance.
The resistance needs to grow. And how we do that is when you stay on the word of God, stand firm and focus on God, that God is not going to let this nation die. But we can't just sit by idly by and say, nothing's going to happen. And you know, God's just going to do it all. And, you know, we can just sit by and, and let him do it.
No, he's telling us to get up. You know, there's resistance worldwide. Well, you know, Thomas runs and I were talking about that yesterday. And it was such an amazing thing to see what the Lord had prophesied like two years ago or three years ago, however long it's been, there's been many different prophecies about resistance growing worldwide.
You can see people resisting against their governments. All over the country and you need to look those up because a lot of lame lame stream media won't talk about it Because they don't want this country to get up, but god's telling us to get up God's telling us to resist god's telling us to fight back spiritually.
That's how we win All right Now it says oh my united states you will not die in this hour Your nation will not be destroyed by the globalist regime. They will not steal another election They will not stay in your government They will not stay in your court system. They will not stay in your schools.
They will not stay in corporate america They will not continue to rule in your entertainment industry They will not continue to blind the eyes of many children in this nation or any nation Because this is the hour and a great time for a great awakening to me. So he's telling us that the global regime, which is there, they have a global reset.
Okay. They have a global reset. We already know that they want a one world government. We know that that's scriptural. That's in the book of revelation. So we should not be surprised that we're seeing some of these things come to pass. We should be surprised that we're seeing a trial, a rise of a one world government system, a one world religion.
I think it's called Chris Lam or something. Well, they take Christianity, Islam and put them together, which is insane because they don't serve the same God, but that's what they're trying to do. And so God is saying that globalists are not going to get this country. They'll not say in your court systems, we can, we have seen our core systems are completely destroyed.
And I mean, the abomination that's going on in this court system, I can't even believe this is, this is America. I cannot believe some of the unjustice. The injustice that's going on, excuse me, the injustice that's going on nationwide from all these different people who were their lives are being destroyed by this corrupt, disgusting government and the, and the judges and the, the courts that will not stand up for truth and liberty.
I can't, that's when you know, it's evil. And that's why we got to put God back in our government, in our schools, in our, you know, our court systems and every part of our life to bring in justice. Again, you take God out of government. Again, you take God out of your court system. What are you left with?
You're left with injustice. You're left with evil. You're left with corruption. When you put God back in to bring in justice, to bring in life, and to bring in fairness, and to bring in our laws to be followed, then it says your enemies will bring more darkness. That's what they're going to try. They're going to try to bring more darkness and more devastation.
God is warning us of that right now. He said, but my light and my glory, my presence, my power and goodness will be magnified and crush and the power of the enemy before the world. So God's saying that you have darkness coming, but God's also saying with that darkness. His light is going to destroy the power of the enemy.
So you have all this corruption, you have all this disruption, you have all this darkness, you have all this chaos, you have all this things that are going on. And God said, listen, my light's going to destroy it. My glory, my presence, my power, my goodness is going to magnify. And he says, it's going to crush.
The power of the enemy before the world. So my people will know who I really am and I exist and that I Am good. I'm the most high God and no one is greater than me. I think he showed Pharaoh and his men that nobody was greater than him. God is going to crush the enemy. I mean, I think that should excite everyone.
But then he says Next paragraph, So my children, hold on. Now, why would he have to tell us that there wasn't a reason we needed to hold on for? If everything was just going to be sunshine and roses, everything was going to be fine, then why would he have to tell us to hold on for? He's telling us to hold on.
He's even telling us before in different prophecies to brace for impact. So my children hold on, my children rejoice in my name, my children stand firm, stand strong, my children rise up and resist your enemies and watch them scatter before your eyes. Well that's scriptural too. Because we stand up and we rejoice.
God said, he said ambushes against our enemies and that's in second chronicles 20. Verse 22 or 23. Then he also talks about how in Deuteronomy 28 verse 7, Deuteronomy 28 verse 7 says that enemies become before you one way, but they they scatter or flee before you seven. God is with us. And anytime you see God when he's standing in the way of our enemies, they scatter before their face.
God's people will see this, the scattering of the enemies of almighty God. We're already starting to see the infighting. There's not a prophecy, but just to feel, I think it was when did I see that article come out? It was prophecy about the whole thing between Obama and Biden. There's fighting in the enemy's camp.
You'll start seeing way more of that here soon. They said, so my children, hold on. My children rejoice in my name. My children stand firm, stand strong. My children rise up and resist your enemies and watch them scatter before your eyes. The greatest awakening is coming that's ever been seen or experienced.
The greatest awakening now with awakening is a shaking, a shaking will bring on an awakening. Remember that in a shaking will bring on an awakening. So you see with COVID really woke a lot of people up. It did. It woke a lot of people up. Because it shook him up. So it has to be a greater shaking to bring on this awakening He said the greatest awakening is coming never seen before or experience like this before in human history I have hand picked you for this time in this hour to receive the greatest transfer of now again He's talking about a transfer of land of wealth of businesses of freedom The world has ever seen before this world's ever known Prepare for what you are about to see and prepare for me.
He said the Lord He said the great exodus a greater exodus Look what happened in the original book of Exodus, and what God did to free, deliver, completely set them free, but there was also a great wealth transfer when that happened. Now, that's God's plan. Now he's given you the insight of the enemy's plan and what they're doing.
This is the next paragraph. Unrest, chaos, darkness, confusion, desperation, frustration, division, war, deception, destruction. Ten things. This is on the heart of the enemy. Right now as we're speaking right now as this live stream is going on. This is what they want unrest chaos darkness confusion desperation frustration division war Deception destruction.
These are all the things your enemies are planning right now In a scale you have never seen. So we already thought it was bad. Now their plans are not going to go as planned, but it doesn't mean that we're not going to see any of their plan at all.
They are not hiding their hatred for humanity, freedom, liberty, or justice. Their pride is showing that now look at that. This is what he's saying. This is the key. Their pride is showing the world who they really are, and it will continue until they fall by their own decisions. So God is telling us our enemy will fall by their own decisions.
Remember what my word says, pride comes before fall and they will all fall. Pride comes before a fall. Now they are trying to bring division. That was one of the 10 things that they're trying to bring is division. God keeps telling us to unite. He's the great uniter. So we have to believe what we see and we have to pray for unity and continue to stand for unity in this country or in your nation, but also in the body of Christ, it's very important.
Your enemies will not have my nations because they're not, they want all the nations around the world and especially God's nations. He always refers to as Israel and United States of America. Your enemies will not have my nations. They will not be allowed to continue to destroy them. Awaken, Son of Almighty God, to me.
Awaken to truth and awaken to my word. God is telling us right now, awaken to him. Hold on, he says, let's see here. Awaken, Son of Almighty God, to me. Awaken to truth. Awaken to my word. He's telling us three things. To awaken to his truth, awaken to him and awaken to his word. We got to awaken. Then he says, America, a great cleansing is coming to your nation, your government.
Now, remember the word I just read to you yesterday in Jeremiah chapter 33, there were different scriptures I read in the CEV or the message translation. The ones from Jeremiah 33, go look them up yesterday. They will be in yesterday's broadcast in the description box. And he talked about how he would scrub, he would wipe clean as if it never was there.
And so first, when I was reading this back over today, I was like, Lord, you gave those scriptures yesterday and I had never seen them in those translations before. Not like that. I, I usually always read in my, my parallel Bible. When I was studying for the longest time until I started getting all these different translations now that he's showing me and it's exciting It's exciting that he's showing us what he is saying So he says america a great cleansing is coming to your nation your government a cleansing in your streets A cleansing in your businesses a cleansing in your capital a cleansing in your schools a cleansing in your churches a cleansing to wash Away and destroy the evil that was brought such corrosion to your country They're trying to bring corrosion to the foundations of this nation, corrosion to our laws, into justice and liberty and our freedoms.
But what does God say? I will make it like they never existed and they were never in power. So hold on tight for the upsets that they are, that they are coming. Upsets are coming. Do not get confused on what you see or about to see because soon you will see me. So God is telling you don't be confused about what you're going to see because what you're seeing is God's judgment.
Remember think if you put yourself in the shoes of the Israelites when they were in Goshen and they saw all the craziness with all the plagues. I mean, it looked like the world was ending because of all the plagues that were hitting. I'm sure that brought a lot of confusion to people. So God is saying, don't be going on by what you're seeing.
Trust in him. Hold tight. The upsets are coming. He's warning you. The upsets are coming. Just good and bad. And he says, so do not get confused on what you see or you're about to see because soon you will see me. Save the Lord. Now, carnage. This word will be in your news for a significant reason, carnage.
Then he talks about the railroad companies. Now he talked several years and different prophecies, and you can find it on our webpage on the prophecy channel or the prophecy page of our website. And God talked about a lot of derailments that were going to take place. And so there are railroad companies he's saying are about to be exposed to Now listen, he said, for what cargo they have had on your trains.
So railroad companies are about to be exposed for what cargo they have on their trains all over this nation. Great exposures of the plans of the darkness and evil they took part in. Everything that they have all been hiding will be revealed. derailments were on purpose.
Some of them were on accident, but some were on purpose to cause destruction.
Then he says, great devastation will come to Disney. Now he's been talking about Disney for the last two, two and a half years, and we've already started to see the fall of Disney guys been talking about them and the thought their fall before they were even in the news about what that fall. God has proven that with prophecies.
He says great destruction will come to Disney, their fall will continue, and their exposures will grow and whistleblowers are coming to expose what they were a part of, including mind control, sex trafficking, sexual abuse to countless child actors. Disney, your doors are being opened and will be on full display for all the world to see what your company has been.
Really all about and what also will show how you worked with the Washington establishment and the globalist regime to destroy the innocence of Children to bring destruction to their minds and a great perversion. A
high price you will pay for what you have done to the young generation all over the world. God is saying he's going to destroy Disney. He's been saying that for a couple of years now. We've already started to see they are flopping. They are losing money. They're losing people everywhere. Hand over face.
People are not putting up with the crap that they're putting out. Then he goes on to say directors, producers who were a major part in this are about to fall in a major way. So start seeing exposures on directors and producers. The next paragraph, my children, great exposure are coming to the entertainment industry and the likes no one has ever seen.
So be prepared for the shaking. This will cause worldwide. So the entertainment industry is about to be exposed in a massive way. Now the name and the family Rothschilds. Okay, Rothschilds. This name, I say it again, will be in your be exposed in a great shaking. This will bring to this nation. Now, he's mentioned Rothschild before, and the Rothschild family, okay?
He's also mentioned the Rockefellers. These two families, Hold on for the explosive exposure to these families and to who is keeping their plans going. He says, this name, I say again, will be exposed in a great shaking. This will bring to this nation all the destruction and damage they brought to this country.
Who is contracted? to continue their legacy and their plans will shock this nation who is behind it all. Now, comrade, this word will be in your news for a shocking reason. Comrade, this news will be, or this is a name, a name or word will be in your news for a shocking reason. Unusual weather patterns will be talked about all over your news.
Manipulation of your weather is about to be proven. In an explosive way. Remember guys been talking about unusual weather for a long time So we're going to start seeing more unusual weather this year shift change shift change This will be in your news for a surprising reason great secrets regarding the royal family are coming that the majority of people did not see coming So god's been talking about the royal family for a long time He keeps talking about it that things are not how they seem to be with them And you know this whole entire thing with kate going on.
He had this whole thing with charles going on Things are not how they appear with that family Watch how god's going to start to expose it He says I have told you many times before things are not how they appear who with this royal family You So God will just not only destroy what they are, what some of them now, not all of them are bad, but some of them have been very evil and God's going to expose that evil.
In that family. And one of them is Charles. Now keep your eyes on Israel. Great truth and proof is coming that your enemies did not want the world to know. So there's a reason why there is so much attack going on in Israel. The enemies always have wanted to destroy Israel, but there's also something in that nation.
That the globalists or the world government, the regime, they don't want the world to know, and that's the reason why so much hatred, God talked about antisemitism again, back in prophetic word, a few years ago, you're seeing that now growing a scale. It's ridiculous and it's horrible and it's wrong. And we have to pray against that.
The antisemitism, we have pray against what people are doing against Israel, but something that's in Israel. These globalists do not want the world to know about so we need to pray for the protection of israel My children my my great army is coming God's great army is coming. My will is being fulfilled.
So don't give in to your enemy's lies and deception They will try to pour out in the coming months against you. So again, he's warning us keep our heads up. Hell high to have that firm focus foundation on him because things are going to try to deceive you into believing that there's it's hopeless. It will not change the outcome, which is the awakening in this nation and around the world, the healing, the freedom it will bring to so many, say the course, stay with me, sayeth the Lord, your redeemer.
So again, God is telling us what we need to be standing and believing on in his word, who he is, What he has done how much power and authority he has given to us and that we should never give in to what we're seeing because what we are seeing is going to change It has an expiration date. Remember it says in 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 and verse 18.
Things which are seen are temporary. They're fleeting and they're subject to change. They're not going to last forever. For the things that are unseen are deathless things. And everlasting. So don't be moved by what you are about to see. So I want to pray over each and every one of you right now. And I want you to stay focused on God.
Stay focused on what he's saying. Stay focused on how good he is. There's a lot of things your enemy wants to do for you to believe that God's not going to do anything, that God is not going to help, that God's not going to deliver you, that God's not going to heal you, that God&a
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