Where Is Pete? Josh Hawley Gets Damning Boeing Whistleblower Testimony

2 months ago

Where is Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg? Watching this testimony from a Boeing quality engineer is incredible. A Boeing quality engineer just testified to Josh Hawley that their planes are not safe and that he was threatened and silenced by the company when he tried to bring it up to them. This could end very, very badly but we stand by what we wrote earlier: air travel is extremely safe. But action should be taken on this so it stays that way. Hope he's got good home security: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GLYef_KWwAA_vJP?format=jpg&name=large -- Built to the highest diversity standards. DEI hiring is part of it. Cost cutting is another. Diversity Enabled Ineptitude.

• More at: Twitchy - Where Is Pete? Josh Hawley Gets DAMNING Boeing Whistleblower Testimony

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