The Secret book documentary I From the secret book by by Rhonda Byrne

18 days ago

The Secret is a best selling self-help Video for success by Rhonda Byrne _Bob Proctor. It is based on the law of attraction.
Inspirational movie

Featuring John Assaraf, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Lee Brower, Jack Canfield, Dr. John F. Demartini, Marie Diamond, Mike Dooley, Bob Doyle, Hale Dwoskin, Morris Goodman, Dr. John Gray, Dr. John Hagelin, Bill Harris, Dr. Ben Johnson, Loral Langemeier, Lisa Nichols, Bob Proctor, James Arther Ray, David Schirmer, Marci Shimoff, Dr. Joe Vitale, Dr. Denis Waitley, Neale Donald Walsch, and Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D.

In this ground-breaking documentary film, leading scientists, authors, doctors, and philosophers reveal the great Secret that has transformed the lives of all those willing to live it. This is The Secret to everything – joy, health, money, relationships, love, happiness… everything you have ever wanted.

Rhonda Byrne is the creator behind The Secret, a documentary film that swept the world in 2006, changing millions of lives and igniting a global movement around the power of manifestation. The following year Rhonda's book of The Secret was released, which was translated into 50 languages and remains one of the longest-running bestsellers of this century. Rhonda has written five more bestselling books since, which together form The Secret Book Series: The Power in 2009, The Magic in 2010, Hero in 2013, How The Secret Changed My Life in 2016, The Greatest Secret in 2020, and her latest book, The Secret to Love, Health, and Money: A Masterclass in 2022.

Rhonda's intention is and will always be bringing joy to billions.

This astonishing film explains, with simplicity, the Universal law that governs all lives, and offers the knowledge of how to create – intentionally and effortlessly – a joyful life filled with peace, love, well-being, and abundance. And as you learn The Secret, you too will come to know how you can have, be, or do anything you want. And you will come to know the true magnificence that awaits you in life.

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